Campobasso ballot, councilor Esposito harshly attacks Romano and Ruta, now allies of the PD and 5Stelle

Campobasso ballot, councilor Esposito harshly attacks Romano and Ruta, now allies of the PD and 5Stelle
Campobasso ballot, councilor Esposito harshly attacks Romano and Ruta, now allies of the PD and 5Stelle

(PressMoliLaz.) Campobasso, 20 June. 24 We receive and publish: The latest social declarations, of the purist know-it-all as some define him, arouse at least perplexity (if not hilarity) the latest statements of Massimo Romano who climbs on mirrors to try to justify the unjustifiable.

After having fired buckshot at the PD and the 5 Star Movement throughout the electoral campaign, accusing them of all kinds of atrocities, he negotiated with 3 seats to sign the agreement, throwing all his proclamations of political dignity into the landfill and covering of political mud (as well as ridicule) the movement that promoted total alienation from the seats (and parties).

And not knowing how to explain this astonishing 360 degree turn, he attacks the presumed seats of others starting from the heartbreaking refrain on which he founded his fortune (oh God, big word): Pozzilli.

Defeated left and right in all competitions (most recently he entered the regional council alone by exploiting the votes of the councilors on his own list), defeated even in the race for mayor of his own city, Romano is in difficulty every time he has to argue his perfectly inconsistent choices, is used to fuel instrumental bogeymen against our Molise, which would start from the usual Pozzilli and end up with the Roberti Government and the Molise Region, the body of which he would like (in vain) to become president after the resounding defeat in 2013.

Not to mention the recent and catastrophic result of Termoli, where its representative was not even able to enter the City Council.

The historical truth, which is being tried to hide, like dust under the carpet, says that Romano sold the project of being outside the parties, and with him he also sold those who had naively believed in it (“choose a mayor not a party, Pino Ruta’s slogan in this electoral campaign”). The same reflections involve (or rather overwhelm) his friend Pino Ruta, with a comical similarity that emerges after weeks of vitriolic statements against PD and 5 Star and only to guarantee the Romano-Ruta duo three seats as well as the possibility of candidacy for the Presidency of the Molise Region, i.e. the twenty-year objective pursued under the aegis of intellectual honesty (over the others).

And since there is no end to the worst, the progressive mob, despite knowing that it has already lost, despite knowing that it no longer counts for anything, in order not to definitively become extinct, has proceeded to also hand over its soul to the Roman (of Bojano): the surrendered hand and foot and without conditions.

In short, those who voted for the PD and those who voted 5 stars today, confirming Maria Luisa Forte, actually vote for the purist/justiciarist duo in fits and starts (and always in favor of the others).

Forget, Romano, that the citizens of CB are not so naive and remember perfectly the proclamations during the election campaign.

Forget, Romano, that he has already lost the elections, given that the centre-right – however the ballot goes – has the majority elected in the city council.

And forget, Romano, that we vote for the municipality of CB, not for the Molise Region nor for Politics, where we have already voted and he, as usual, has already lost.

Domenico Esposito

Municipal councilor of FI

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