The Festa dell’Unità at the Schiranna in Varese starts with the No to the premiership

The Festa dell’Unità at the Schiranna in Varese starts with the No to the premiership
The Festa dell’Unità at the Schiranna in Varese starts with the No to the premiership

VARESE – It will be open for two months on weekends, from mid-June to mid-August. And the Unity Day organized by Democratic party of Varese in the historic location of Schiranna in via Vigevano 26. The start tomorrow, Friday 21st, with a political meeting on the theme of premiered.

The proposal

The format of the party is the same as always: at gastronomic proposal alongside in-depth political meetings, there are also film clubs, music, dancing evenings and burraco. Off we go Friday 21 Junewith the inauguration at 7 pm followed by the meeting on the theme “Let’s Say No to the Premiership” with Alessandro Alfieri (senator and head of PD Reforms) in dialogue with Alice Bernardoni, provincial secretary of the Democratic Party. Sunday June 23 at 6.30 pm we continue with the presentation of the book “The heart of memory: stories of women of the PCI” by Piera Egidi Bouchard. Speakers include the author, Magda Negri (former senator), Doriana Giudici (former member of the CNEL) and Riccardo Tomaiuoli (secretary of the Gd Varese). Friday July 5th meeting on the theme “Free to choose: you can’t touch the 194” with Roberta Morì (national spokesperson for Dem Women), Diana De Marchi (regional spokesperson for Dem Women), Alessandra Kustermann (former head of Mangiagalli and president of the Svs-Das centre) and Chiara Braga (PD deputy).

Festival on August 15th

Wednesday 10th of July at 6.30pm Cathy La Torre (lawyer and activist for human rights and against discrimination) talks with Rossella Dimaggio, councilor of the Municipality of Varese. Friday July 12th Silvia Roggiani, deputy and secretary of the Lombardy Democratic Party, will speak at 9pm. For what concern film club, in collaboration with Filmstudio 90, there are three dates, starting at 9.15pm: 30 June, 14 July, 21 July. There are also three appointments music, July 7, July 19 and August 4. Two benefit tournaments will also be held on July 21st and August 4th burraco. So on August 15th the usual mid-August lunch at Schiranna. Finally, every Saturday from 9pm there will be the inevitable dance hall. Closing will be Sunday 18th August.

The militant summer of the Varese PD. Alfieri: «We are back in opposition»

Schiranna Varese unity party – MALPENSA24

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