The CGC starts again from Cupisti and Palagi: “We want to dream again”

The CGC starts again from Cupisti and Palagi: “We want to dream again”
The CGC starts again from Cupisti and Palagi: “We want to dream again”

The desire for hockey in Viareggio is still great, judging by the dozens of people who met at the Palabarsacchi to celebrate two important returns in the Cgc Viareggio which will be back in the A1 series next season, those of Alessandro Cupisti and Nicola Palagi ( in the picture). The former takes back the bench that he left 15 years ago; the second will be the sporting director and responsible for the technical area. Doing the honors was the president Alessandro Palagi who first of all thanked the athletes, staff and public for the promotion: “A new project is starting for the hockey section. After going through difficult times, which have taught us many things, now we want to continue our activity, bring hockey back to the top and ensure that in the future it can be independent from the tournament and find the economic and human resources for new objectives throughout the city”.

It was then the turn of Nicola Palagi who presented part of the staff formed not only by Cupists, but also by Michele Gemignani (doctor), Alberto Fortuna (mechanic), Andrea Bemi supported by Carlo Giordano (preparator), Cristiano Martini (social media manager): “I didn’t expect so many people at this meeting. I am excited and motivated for this new adventure because the CGC must return to compete with the best Italian teams. It is our intention to plan one step at a time; we started from the staff to continue with the team we are working with Cupisti to set up.” The latter has very clear ideas: “I’m returning to the CGC, which is my home, after 15 years. With Nicola we are working to bring the team back to the uptown areas, knowing full well that everything comes from attention to the youth sector”.

There was no lack of greetings from the sports councilor, Rodolfo Salemi, from the confirmed sponsor GB Mec and the announcement that the CGC will also have a veterans team. There was no mention of the transfer market given that the transfers open in July, but the confirmation of a large part of the squad appears probable with the probable returns of Elia Cinquini (Forte) and Luca Lombardi (Montebello), while Palagi admitted that work is being done to insert another element to complete the staff. From July then the season ticket campaign will begin.


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