The Campi Flegrei 2 Decree is postponed to the end of June, another 63 inspections of buildings in Pozzuoli

The Campi Flegrei 2 Decree is postponed to the end of June, another 63 inspections of buildings in Pozzuoli
The Campi Flegrei 2 Decree is postponed to the end of June, another 63 inspections of buildings in Pozzuoli

Another 63 interventions by firefighters on buildings in the last few hours. In Pozzuoli the document of the majority forces in the Municipality was approved.

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Postponed to the end of June Campi Flegrei Decree 2, announced by the minister of Civil Protection, Nello Musumeci. The provision was expected for tomorrow’s Council of Ministers, but will instead be discussed by the end of the month. At the moment, in fact, the necessary resources for aid are still being found. The Decree should offer economic coverage for the maintenance of first homes. Meanwhile, the work continues in Naples fire fighters following the series of seismic shocks in the Campi Flegrei area: 63 inspections were carried out by the firefighters in the buildings, especially in the municipalities of Pozzuoli and Bacoli. The teams for stability checks have been strengthened, with technical officials from Molise, Lazio and Puglia.

In Pozzuoli the document in the city council

In Pozzuoli, the majority that supports the mayor Gigi Manzoni (Democratic Pozzuoli, Free Pozzuoli, Green Europe, Democratic Progressives, Pozzuoli at the center, Phlegraean Space, United for Pozzuoli and majority councilors of the Mixed Group), signed a joint document on bradyseism.

The municipal administration, faced with the legitimate anxieties and concerns of citizens caused by the resurgence of the bradyseismic phenomenon, acted promptly with great determination and concreteness, avoiding easy and sterile exploitation. The results achieved have been important starting from the approval of the Decree passed by the Government concerning urgent measures for the prevention of seismic risk connected to the bradyseismic phenomenon in the Campi Flegrei area.

It’s still:

Campi Flegrei bulletin, the ground rose by 9.5 cm in the first 6 months of 2024

It is worth remembering that bradyseism had never found specific confirmation and recognition in government documents and national attention has strengthened, first and foremost, the monitoring of scientific bodies and the highest level of expertise. In a short time and overcoming unjustifiable delays, we have made functional a fundamental road structure which, although completed years ago, was closed. The ring road/port connection tunnel represents one of the main escape routes together with the ramps connecting to the ring road. Even in this case we have inherited a situation of total impasse. The works, partly started and never completed, will soon be completed. Thanks to synergistic work with the competent Ministry, the Region and the Ring Road of Naples Spa, which concluded with the signing of a specific memorandum of understanding, the interventions will soon be started guaranteeing the direct connection with the Ring Road.

The emergency after the earthquake of May 20th

The work that last year led to the Campi Flegrei Decree in November, with the creation of the bradyseism risk plan, continued this year too.

While we were working to implement the risk prevention and mitigation measures contained in the Campi Flegrei Decree, the significant seismic event of May 20th was recorded. We had to face the extraordinary emergency situation that occurred on the field. We did it with speed and determination, guaranteeing assistance to the population with the rapid creation of waiting areas and refreshment areas at the Palatrincone.
A specific descending operational plan is being defined to guarantee an even more effective intervention and assistance system that allows us to overcome the critical issues that have emerged with the stipulation of specific agreements to ensure greater timeliness in the supply of ambulances, chemical toilets, food, shuttles and any further service useful to citizens.

Then there is the question of aid controls:

The provision of the independent accommodation contribution, despite the failure to declare a state of emergency, was not a duty of the Government. We fought immediately, with the support of the Prefecture and the Region, to guarantee more dignified living conditions for the evicted citizens. We quickly managed to obtain an alternative measure to hospitalization in the affiliated hotel facilities and in the Monteruscello hub.

A further Government provision will be issued shortly. We have requested the allocation of huge resources to guarantee interventions on strategic public properties, infrastructures and private homes.
As soon as the complete picture of the situation is defined, we will implement the direction of the City Council with concrete actions towards citizens and evicted production activities.
We are working to ensure that all planning and upcoming approval documents (PUC, PUMS and PAD first and foremost) take into account the possible risks deriving from the phenomenon.

In the end:

In the next few hours we will stipulate a specific memorandum of understanding in the Prefecture which, through collaboration with the competent authorities, guarantees maximum transparency and legality in the use of the upcoming economic benefits requested by citizens. As majority forces we will continue to work with seriousness and commitment in the exclusive interest of the community. The fears and concerns of the citizens are also ours, we are convinced that together we will be able to overcome this difficult moment”.

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