Romagna region, a dream that divides the League and autonomists

Ravenna, 20 June 2024 – The never-ending dream of Romagna autonomy seems to draw new life from the definitive approval, yesterday in the Chamber, of the text on differentiated autonomy. The Honorable Jacopo Morrone waved the banner with the caveja, symbol of the Land of Romagna.

Party at the Chamber, Jacopo Morrone displays the flag of Romagna

A symbol with multiple meanings, given that the caveja had the primary purpose of blocking the yoke to prevent it from weighing down the oxen’s necks too much. Yet, despite the vote, not everyone sees things the same way. The fact is that the flag waved yesterday is also the banner of the Movement for the autonomy of Romagna, the Mar, which is far from happy that it was used on this occasion. He considers it almost a usurpation.

“I find the thing improper and incorrect – explains Giovanni Poggiali, president of the Mar and founder of the Romagna Unita party –. We certainly believe that Romagna should have its own autonomy and we continue to fight so that the people of Romagna can elect their president and not that of Emilia-Romagna, the only region in Italy that summarizes two. We want to put a ballot paper different in the hands of the Romagna people and this has nothing to do with the differentiated autonomy approved yesterday by the Chamber. The autonomy for which we are fighting is respectful of Article 5 of the Constitution and harks back to a political battle of the second half of the twentieth century in which the sensitivity of a socialist, Stefano Servadei, was combined with the pragmatism of a Catholic like Lorenzo Cappelli and the republican strength of Aldo Spallicci, who absolutely did not want the name Romagna to disappear from the Constitution. Unfortunately it was combined with that of Emilia but Romagna is a real region, Dante even mentions it.”

A dream, that of Romagna regionwhich also generated a party, led by Poggiali himself, called Romagna united and which we will see on the field not to the next regionals but in the following electoral round, with a strategic plan for Romagna and the rebalancing of the councillors.

Instead, celebrate Salvini’s League. In the chamber, the Romagna MP Jacopo Morrone proudly unfurled the flag of Romagna. “I must have bought about thirty of those flags and I always carry them with me just as I have them in my studio in Forlì – explains Morrone –. They are banners that represent a territory, not just a party or a movement. Yesterday in the chamber there were flags from all the regions and I waved the flag that represents mine”. The deputy sees greater autonomy in the future of Romagna, but based on concrete and possible facts, not on dreams that are difficult to achieve today. “Instead of thinking of changing the Constitution to create the Romagna Region, in the first instance I would ask for greater electoral representation at the level of today’s region; we should have 14 councilors and we only elect 9 of them, something that already penalizes us. And then we have to do our part, starting, for example, from implementation of the single province of Romagna. We have water and healthcare together; why don’t we continue down this path? Once the single province has been established, we can ask for specific delegations from the Region for example in terms of tourism, healthcare, referring to Bonaccini’s mistakes, and then the environment, which needs special care after the flood. Then and only then can we also fight for the region detached from Emilia.”

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