«The objective is salvation, we want to continue to grow. I will try to be more present for the club”

«The objective is salvation, we want to continue to grow. I will try to be more present for the club”
«The objective is salvation, we want to continue to grow. I will try to be more present for the club”

The Granata president could not be missing alongside the sporting director Pizzimenti Carmelo Salernohis great admirer, who focused a lot on the delicate handover of the technical area and did not shy away from questions about the future of Reggiana.

«In the last month I have felt anxiety and concern, unjustified in my opinion, about the choice of sporting director and coach – began the president – We respected the deadlines: the day after the separation from Goretti we announced the new sporting director and a week after Nesta’s exit the new coach was chosen. If we look around, there are teams more famous than us that still don’t have a coach and some are even without a director… I want to clarify one thing straight away: Pizzimenti is here because he is a professional with a 20-year career behind him and I have had the opportunity to knowing him years ago, in fact I would have liked to bring him to Reggio since Goretti’s arrival but it was only possible last season. He is a sporting director prepared and respected at a national level, we would have chosen him even if he hadn’t already been here with us. We are laying the foundations to do better than last championship, we want to reach safety as soon as possible and make the club grow in value. The past does not interest us, now we look to the future with determination, enthusiasm and above all optimism».

President, how did you part ways with Nesta and Goretti?
«Nesta had a clause in his contract and could be released at any time, so we were aware of this possibility. We appreciated his work and would have liked to continue with him. However, we did not expect Goretti’s departure… Since his arrival in Reggio he has changed the history of Reggiana not only in the results where he achieved 100% of the objectives in two years: he was not only the sporting director but he oversaw many other aspects. We hoped he could stay for many years to grow the club and continue the project. I was very sorry for him and also for Amadei who respected him a lot, we lost an important element of the club. Evidently the call of Serie A wipes out values ​​and feelings, but we have to thank Goretti for what he did. Then he gave me some advice…”

«He suggested that I be more present in the daily management of the club. Not at a technical level but at an organizational level because we need to grow in terms of structures and organization. Fortunately, Pizzimenti has already taken care of the athletic and medical part, but I will try to be more present following his advice.”

Have you learned anything from what happened?
«We have understood that contracts have little value in the end and I say this also thinking about what happened in Venice and Catanzaro. Contracts have value in the rights of those who sign them. We will continue to do them annually, including that of the coach…”.

Was Viali your first choice?
«Yes, he like Pizzimenti. We didn’t contact Viali at the beginning because he was under contract with a friendly club (Cosenza, ed.) but as soon as he was freed we found an agreement in one afternoon. He will come to Reggio with great enthusiasm and we are all happy about it.”

Will it be a different market for Reggiana?
«This year we must try to acquire a few more young players to consolidate and structure ourselves. We must try to do something more than last year, the objective is always salvation but after that we need to dream and grow. I expect a more difficult Serie B championship because on paper we will face technically stronger teams.”

Will the budget remain unchanged compared to the last season?
«Since there are no certainties about possible losses relating to TV rights, we have been prudent and have taken into account a loss of income which we members will cover. The budget will not be adjusted but will have a different value: a year ago we spent around a million on exodus incentives for players not suited to Serie B according to Nesta while this year we don’t have to pay anyone to leave. And we can spend that saved amount to strengthen the team.”

Will it be used to buy a double-digit striker?
«It’s not our priority: players shouldn’t be added as if they were stickers. In attack we already have many players available.”

Will the renewal policy change?
«Before January we don’t take renewals into consideration: we adopted this philosophy with captain Rozzio and we will do the same with the other players. This is the club’s line.”

Fans await news on the season ticket campaign…
«We are planning it these days. I can anticipate that there will be a first pre-emption phase which will start shortly, then after this period the actual new campaign will begin. My feeling is that we will get the same numbers as last championship if not more (around 6700, ed.). We are very happy and satisfied with the public that follows us and in the second year of Serie B the fans, after having seen a good championship on a technical level, know that there are good conditions on a technical level for next season.”

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