Lucanian GDP at a standstill: Svimez 2023 estimates for Basilicata

Lucanian GDP at a standstill: Svimez estimates for 2023 attribute growth of 0.9 to Basilicata

POWER – Top in the construction sector, bad in industry. This explains the downward estimates that Svimez attributes to Basilicata. The South did very well in 2023, with Sicily standing out thanks to greater public investments. GDP at 1.3 percent in the South, above the national average. Our region does not go beyond 0.9 percent growth, making it among the least virtuous regions, but in perfect harmony with the average value of the country. Basilicata slows down, as we were saying, in the industrial sector (-2.7%), but raises its head in construction, recording an important +8.4 percent, the best performance in the entire South. But the situation is worse if we look at the post-Covid period.

The production crisis in San Nicola di Melfi has even pushed our region to the bottom of the ranking, causing a decrease in added value of 5.7 percent. For the regional secretary of the Uil, Vincenzo Tortorelli, Basilicata represents a South within the South.

“In this scenario – states Tortorelli – we are even more alarmed by the Calderoli bill on Differentiated Autonomy, which is being accelerated with approval in the Chamber, because it is certainly not the modest growth in GDP, reported by Svimez, which occurred thanks to the extraordinary phase of public contributions arriving in the South, to overcome the gap with the North. The Svimez data – which should make the skin crawl of anyone who pursues the good of the Lucanian community – confirms – concludes Tortorelli – that through the devastating effect combined between economic performance and demographic depopulation, Basilicata is heading towards a decline which it is now essential to stem and not Tomorrow”.

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