The flag of Romagna at the Chamber for differentiated autonomy, Morrone: “Historical date”

The flag of Romagna at the Chamber for differentiated autonomy, Morrone: “Historical date”
The flag of Romagna at the Chamber for differentiated autonomy, Morrone: “Historical date”

Bologna, 19 June 2024 – After the satisfaction of Zaia in Venetothe approval of law decree on differentiated autonomy is celebrated by League also in Emilia Romagnawith the deputy and secretary of the Northern League in Romagna Jacopo Morrone which was waved in the Chamber flag of Romagna after the definitive green light for the bill and did not miss an opportunity to tease the President of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini.

Jacopo Morrone (right) with the flag of Romagna in the Chamber after the definitive green light for differentiated autonomy

The accusation, in fact, is that he “jumped onto the bandwagon of regional autonomy with conviction: in 2018 he signed the agreement with the then undersecretary Bressawith Lombardy And Veneto. The Region he governed even drew up several documents where the matters within which the new regional powers were to be defined were analysed. Now instead he changed his mind to adapt to the party’s propaganda tom tams”.

Morrone then does not miss the opportunity to “highlight the instrumentality and prejudice of the opposition and in particular of the Democratic Party, which after having supported the application of article 116 of the Constitution, which provides for differentiated regionalism, with a declaration and in official documents, suddenly found himself hostile to the measure only because it was carried through by a centre-right majority”.

The Northern League deputy Jacopo Morrone rejoices at the approval of the decree law on differentiated autonomy:

The Northern League deputy Jacopo Morrone rejoices at the approval of the decree law on differentiated autonomy: “Historical date”

Second, then, Morronethe approval of the decree this morning in the Chamber is a “memorable result for the benefit of the entire country. Autonomy is law: a dream cultivated for years, a step forward for our democracy” –

For the Northern League member, today’s event is therefore “one Historic datefor a provision that must be seen as an opportunity for the whole country in terms of efficiency and transparency, where services are truly equal for all citizens and where regional administrations are called to assume more responsibility towards their own community”.

What the decree provides

The bill on differentiated autonomy aims to grant greater autonomy to the ordinary statute regions that request it. The sectors affected would be foreign trade, energy, transport, education, environment and culture, while the essential levels of services (The P) must be insured to all citizens regardless of the region of residence.

Overnight, deputies approved articles 2 (onagreement between the State and the regions170 in favour, 105 against), 3 (on the determination of essential performance levels166-115), 4 (sul transfer of functions166-114), 5 (relating to financial resources170-105), 6 (which attributes further administrative functions to local authorities, 173-109), 7 (on the duration of agreements and the succession of laws, 170-112), 8 (on the monitoring174-113), 9 (financial clauses), 10 (measures of promotion of economic developmentcohesion and social solidarity) and 11 (provisions transitional and final).

All the amendments presented by the opposition were rejected.

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