VICENZA – Children from 0 to 6 years: five months of parties, workshops and meetings

With parties and workshops for the little ones, training moments for teachers and families and public meetings with experts, Vicenza is preparing to become the “capital” of zerosei educational services. From the 2June 9th to November 22nd in fact, the events of the program will take place “Living childhoods 06+”created on the occasion of twenty-third national conference of the National Nursery and Childhood Group which will be held for the first time in Vicenza from 25 to 27 October. The conference, which will bring educators and teachers from all over Italy to the city, explores the themes of the integrated system for girls and boys aged 0 to 6, which includes nursery schools and nursery schools. This is an opportunity to draw attention to and raise awareness of the many projects for children and families carried out by the network of services in our area and also to involve the entire city in moments of reflection and training relating to the culture of childhood. We will leave on June 29th with the party for the end of the educational and school year in Parco Querini. It will continue in July with five workshops at the Center for Pedagogical Documentation and Laboratory Teaching and four public meetings with administrators and education experts. The events will then resume in September and October, with the key week from the 22nd to the 27th on the occasion of the conference, to end in November.

«For the Municipality of Vicenza, the public management of services aimed at children has not only an educational but also a socio-cultural value – underlined the education councilor Giovanni Selmo during the presentation of the program at the 0-6 center of San Lazzaro -. Host the national conference “The integrated system. Continuity and educational coherence in zerosei”, which will bring 1300 professionals from the world of education to Vicenza, is a source of great satisfaction and commitment. We have established a technical and scientific pedagogical coordination headed by the education department for the organization of the conference and the “Living for childhood 06+” program, developed in synergy for some events with the departments of culture, environment and youth policies. The intention is to imagine, on the one hand, a city suitable for children and on the other to bring the city and especially families closer to educational services aimed at children. Furthermore, for education professionals it will be an opportunity to experience a moment of advanced training with quality implications within city services.”

Also participating in the presentation were councilors Ilaria Fantin (culture, tourism and attractiveness of the city) and Leonardo Nicolai (youth policies), Nicoletta Morbioli, director of Vicenza’s VIII Territorial Area Office and Manuela Cunico for Fism.

«The “Abitare le infanze 06+” events will be held in numerous public spaces in the city, which will be designed, inhabited and experienced by children to adults in a moment of participation that we hope will be choral – underlined the councilors Ilaria Fantin and Leonardo Nicolai -. Among these, in September the Hangar Palooza Festival will host the party for the start of the educational and school year, a moment for adults and children created in synergy between the departments of education, youth policies and culture. In October, the world of children will invade the Palladian Basilica with an exhibition on rights and peace characterized by child-friendly settings, installations and itineraries.”

Center 0-6 San Lazzaro

The program was launched by the San Lazzaro municipal children’s centre, the first in Vicenza to experiment with the integrated system for 0-6 years. With two sections from 3 to 36 months and another two from 3 to 6 years, for a total of 96 children, the center in via Corelli will be expanded thanks to the construction of a new building, which will be located in the current open area adjacent to the structure exists, capable of welcoming 60 new children.

The works, financed with 1,680,000 euros from the NextGeneratioEU European fund as part of the Pnrr (Mission 4, Component 1, Investment 1.1. Plan for nursery schools and nursery schools and early childhood education and care services” Cup: B35E22000060006), have started in recent days and involve the construction of a new building of approximately 780 square meters, with modern systems that will make the structure “almost zero energy”. The building will be characterized by a sort of agora, i.e. a central space illuminated from above thanks to skylights, which will provide the environment with natural light and ventilation. Spaces for three sections and related services will be developed around the courtyard on a single level.

“Living childhoods 06+” program

We leave on Saturday June 29th with the end of year party, from 10am to 12pm, in Parco Querini. It will be a day of celebration and outdoor education in which girls and boys, together with their families, will be able to enjoy laboratory experiences of reading, pictorial graphics and manipulations. There will also be visits to the Querini park greenhouses, promoted and organized by the environment department as part of the European H2020 Cities2030 project and which will host an exhibition on the schools participating in the project’s living labs on food sustainability. The day will end with a “BioSnack” offered by Cities2030.

«We strongly wanted to create a synergy between Abitare le infanze 06+ and the European Cities2030 project – underlines the environmental councilor Will be Baldinato – because when education on healthy and sustainable nutrition, which protects health and the environment, begins from an early age, it becomes part of the good habits that children consolidate and maintain even as they grow up. Furthermore, the exhibition at the former greenhouses of the works that some schools in the city and the province have carried out as part of the workshops proposed by Cities2030 is an opportunity to share with citizens the dynamics that affect our food system, from the grandparents’ story about traditional cuisine to recycle leftovers and avoid waste, to the contamination of gastronomic culture with food and cultures of the world. The BioSnack offered by the project will then be a moment of celebration and aggregation around food.”

In July doors open to Center for pedagogical documentation and laboratory teachingwith four workshops for children: on 3 July “Creative clay space”, on 10 July puppet show “Little Red Riding Hood”, on 17 July animated reading with creative workshop “What if you are born a medium fish?”, on 24 July mosaic workshop , on July 31st “Mum and dad discovering the creative mosaic” also for families.

THEpublic meetings, aimed at politicians, administrators, education professionals and families, will take place starting from 8 July with the conference in the City Council room at Palazzo Trissino “Vicenza for peace and human rights: education and/is participation”. We continue on 11 July with “Vicenza for the right to education and study from birth: Dialogue between first citizens”, on 12 July with “Digital: educational challenges and opportunities in the family and in childcare services” and on July 13th with “AProcciamoci: creativity of digital natives with families”, on September 26th with the presentation of the book “Pianeti Sonori EDT”.

The 28th September the start of the educational and school year will be held at the Peace Park, as part of the Hangar Palooza Festival 2024. On 30 September, at the Astra, the children’s show “The Circus of the Clouds” will be held.

From 22nd to 27th October the hall of the Palladian Basilica will host the exhibition “Biographies. Drights and peace in the integrated education and training system zerosei”, edited by Manaly Design&Build. Through graphic traces, colours, thoughts and words, the exhibition will tell the educational and didactic experiences of the educational services and nursery schools involved.

From 25 to 27 October it will therefore be the time of national conference entitled “The integrated system. Continuity and educational coherence in zerosei” of the National Nest and Childhood Group in collaboration with the Municipality of Vicenza. The municipal theater will host the conference. There will be numerous thematic sessions and also visits to the city’s zerosei services on the program for education professionals.

From the 18th to the 22nd Novemberon the occasion of the International Day of the Rights of Children and Adolescents which is celebrated every year on 20 November, the Municipal Pedagogical Coordination 06 of nursery schools and schools will promote the week of children’s rights.

On November 20th it will be the turn of the public meeting on cinema and education with the screening of the video documentary “Children’s bodies. Waste of childhood” and on November 21st the presentation of the report “I became a mother”.

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