protest by newsagent against marketing operations

The protest of newsagent against publishers starts from the province of Foggia, accused of proposing marketing operations that threaten their category, already seriously affected by the constant decline in newspaper sales. This protest, currently silent, risks spreading throughout Puglia and Basilicata, regions where sales of so-called “sandwiches” – two or three newspapers sold for the price of one or less – are particularly widespread. In Foggia, the National Autonomous Newsagents Union (SNAG), affiliated with Confcommercio, is on the front line.

“We ask publishers – declares Renato Russo, provincial president of the SNAG – not to make combinations between newspapers or periodicals. Our newsstands cannot continue to support these editorial offers which further compromise the profitability of the sales network. The latest idea is the recent combination between the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno and the Gazzetta dello Sport, which will last a year. Other than promotion, this is a real commercial operation that is to the detriment of the retailer, who, at this critical moment for the sector, can no longer afford this luxury. If publishers want to continue on this path, they must review the compensation to retailers.” Newsstands are disappointed, saddened and above all angry. “Thats enough, It’s not possible – adds Luigi Prudente from the newsstand on Via della Repubblica – that we have to sell two newspapers for the price of one. Publishers need to listen to us before starting these initiatives.”

The Immediate reports it.

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