He gets lost in the streets of the city and asks a passer-by for help – Bolzano Police Headquarters

He gets lost in the streets of the city and asks a passer-by for help – Bolzano Police Headquarters
He gets lost in the streets of the city and asks a passer-by for help – Bolzano Police Headquarters

Yesterday afternoon, during the usual general prevention and control services of the territory, while passing through Via San Quirino, at the intersection with Via Zara the attention of a patrol of the team “Steering wheels” of the State Police was called by a citizen.

The man, pointing to an elderly lady who was nearby, reported to the police that the woman, unknown to him, was in a state of confusion, that she had no documents and that she did not remember the reason why she was there, nor where his home was.

After having spoken for a long time with the Agents and having calmed down, the elderly woman gave them a piece of paper with her son’s mobile number.

The Police then proceeded to contact the close family member of the 83-year-old lady, who shortly afterwards arrived on site, and after thanking the men of the State Police, accompanied the mother back to her home.

“The one he carried out yesterday afternoon represents one of the numerous particularly delicate interventions – declared the Police Commissioner of the Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori – which the women and men of the State Police are called upon to carry out every day, and which, thanks to their preparation, professionalism and sensitivity, also makes them indispensable in dealing with personal problems of various kinds which afflict citizens in difficulty, sometimes relegated to live in solitude.”

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