Lombardy celebrates differentiated autonomy: “It’s exceptional”

Lombardy celebrates differentiated autonomy. “My legs are shaking with emotion when I say it”: the announcement was made by the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies Roberto Calderoli. The Chamber approved the bill on differentiated autonomy. The text was voted with 172 in favour, 99 against and one abstention. The approval had already been given by the Senate in January, now the provision becomes law.

“Today’s approval – explains Calderoli – is the culmination of years and years of political battles of the League, within the institutions and in the streets together with the militants, with a vote that writes a page of history for the whole country. From this moment on there is a traced and well-defined process, which will allow the regions to enhance their excellence and guarantee increasingly better services to citizens, in the name of responsibility and transparency”, writes the minister.

Even the governor of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, commented on the result with joy: “Exceptional news for Lombardy and for the Lombards who, seven years ago, with a referendum, had clearly and clearly expressed their desire to go to that direction. With autonomy we will have more skills in various subjects and we will be able to confirm our administrative capacity, making our region even stronger – the President of the Region writes on social media -. I thank all those who believed in this project and in particular Minister Calderoli who gave a decisive impulse to reach this goal. With autonomy, Lombardy will be free to run even faster.”

The purpose of the law is to decentralize. The ordinary statute regions that request it will be able to have management autonomy on a maximum of 23 subjects including health, education, energy and safety at work.

The Lecco League: “A dream come true”

“19 June 7.40 am: a 40-year dream comes true! 40 years of battles, demonstrations, petitions, gazebos and referendums carried out by the League, by Umberto Bossi, by Roberto Maroni, by Matteo Salvini, by tens of thousands of militants and supporters. Today autonomy is finally reality and law. We have always believed in it and have never stopped fighting. A heartfelt thank you to all those who made it possible for today to be a historic date for the country. Long live autonomy and long live the League!”, rejoices Daniele Butti, provincial secretary of the Lecco League.

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