what changes for Lombardy

The definitive green light from the Chamber arrives for the bill on differentiated autonomy which becomes law. Minister Calderoli’s emotion: “My legs are shaking when I say it”. What changes in Lombardy

After approval by the Senate and the definitive yes of the Chamber, the bill onDifferentiated autonomy is confirmed law in Lombardy. The Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomy, Roberto Calderoliwrites on social media: “My legs are shaking with emotion when I say it.”

Differentiated autonomy becomes law (ANSA) milano.cityrumors.it

Great satisfaction on the part of Minister Calderoli, after years of political battles in the League, today the provision finally becomes law. What will change in Lombardy after the approval of the Senate?

Differentiated Autonomy is law

In the morning today, Wednesday 19 June 2024the House of Representatives definitively approved, with 172 votes in favour, 99 against and one abstention, the government-initiated bill (dll) linked to the public finance measure, on the implementation of the differentiated autonomy of the regions with ordinary statute. After the Senate’s green light which, in truth, had already been given in January, today the provision becomes law.

Differentiated autonomy becomes law (ANSA) milano.cityrumors.it

The law, as reported by the Chamber of Deputies, regulates the approval procedure of “understandings” that the Constitution requires for the attribution of further forms and particular conditions of autonomy. It is established that, after having consulted the local authorities, the act of initiative is taken by the region concerned according to the methods established within its statutory autonomy. The initiative of each region can concern the request for autonomy in one or more subjects or subject areas and the related functions.

Then follows the negotiation between the Government and the region for the definition of a scheme preliminary agreement. In particular, the request must be sent to the President of the Council of Ministers and to the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomy, who, having acquired the evaluation of the Ministers responsible for the matter and of the Minister of Economy, initiates, within 60 days, the negotiated with the requesting Region. The negotiation is carried out for each individual matter and, to be started, the President of the Council of Ministers or the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomy must take into account the financial framework of the Region concerned. Before starting negotiations, the Chambers must be informed by the Government of the initiative.

How the agreement between the state and the region is approved

The preliminary agreement scheme Between State and region, accompanied by a technical report, is approved by the Council of Ministers: the opinion of the Unified Conference must be obtained on the same and delivered within 60 days. After this deadline, the preliminary outline is in any case sent to the Chambers for examination by the competent parliamentary bodies: these express their opinion on the matter “with guidance documents”, according to their respective regulations, within 90 days from the date of transmission of the preliminary agreement, after hearing the President of the regional council concerned.

Furthermore, if the President of the Council of Ministers believes that he does not comply, in whole or in part, with the guidelines, he must report it to the Chambers with a report in which he provides adequate reasons for the choice made. For the next steps, the approval of the definitive agreement by the region is expected, ensuring the consultation of the local authorities concerned, and the deliberation by the Council of Ministers of the definitive agreement and of the bill approving the agreement which is attached to the bill. The President of the regional council concerned participates in the meeting of the Council of Ministers to examine the definitive draft agreement.

The same agreement and the bill are immediately transmitted to the Chambers for deliberation, requiring each Chamber to approve it with an absolute majority of its respective members. The agreements must also indicate their duration, which cannot exceed 10 years. Upon expiry of the term, the agreement is considered renewed for an equal period, unless the region wishes otherwise, expressed at least one year before the expiry. Each agreement identifies the provisions of state law that cease to be effective, in the regional territory, with the entry into force of the regional laws implementing the agreement. Each agreement may also provide for the cases and methods with which the State or Region can request the cessation of its effectiveness, which is decided by law by an absolute majority of the Chambers.

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The words of Calderoli and Fontana

Minister Roberto Calderoli, as reported MilanoToday, writes on social media: “Today’s approval is the culmination of years and years of political battles of the League, within the institutions and in the streets together with the militants, with a vote that writes a page of history for the whole country. From this moment on there is a traced and well-defined process, which will allow the regions to enhance their excellence and guarantee increasingly better services to citizens, in the name of responsibility and transparency”.

Also the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontanacommented with joy on social media the result obtained: “Exceptional news for Lombardy and for the Lombards who, seven years ago, with a referendum, had clearly and clearly expressed their desire to go in that direction. With autonomy we will have more skills in different subjects and we will be able to confirm our administrative capacity making our region even stronger.

Finally the governor thanks: “all those who believed in this project and in particular Minister Calderoli who gave a decisive impulse to reach this goal. With autonomy, Lombardy will be free to run even faster“.

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