Acli di Vicenza: Ko for families without the presence of the elderly

Ko for families without the presence of the elderly, a social and educational resource – The secretary of the Fap Acli of Vicenza, Andrea Luzi: “The elderly are an indispensable resource for society and families. Let’s dispel the fake that relegates them to a cost for the community”

Having an elderly person at home, most of the time, is a resource. And when important problems arise, such as non-self-sufficiency, we must be ready to face them, knowing the opportunities offered by the social and healthcare system and beyond. This, in a nutshell, is the content of the evening “For a community suitable for the elderly”, promoted by the ACLI aps clubs of Mussolente and Casoni, in collaboration with the ACLI of Vicenza aps and the Fap Acli Association of the province of Vicenza, which took place last night in the “Paolo Biagioni” multipurpose hall of the San Michele Arcangelo Oratory in Mussolente (Vi).

Around the table, the provincial secretary of the Fap Acli Association of the province of Vicenza, Andrea Luzi, and the provincial councilor of the ACLI of Vicenza aps, Massimo Zilio, addressed the topic, always very topical.

Massimo Zilio

The general picture outlined by councilor Zilio is extremely clear: “Our country is going through a major demographic transition, with an increase in life expectancy and a decline in birth rates, which leads to an aging population. Suffice it to say that by 2050, over 35% of Italians will be over 65 years old. And an aging population requires preventative healthcare, long-term care solutions, appropriate financial/insurance products, age-appropriate housing, an overhaul of aged care facilities and a reorganization of working practices to enable active ageing.” .

Andrea Luzi

Also thanks to these data, the world of information has for years been riding the message of an elderly population which is a burden that falls on society, but does not observe the other side of the coin, as highlighted by the secretary Luzi: “It is said that the elderly are an unsustainable cost for society, but we do not consider what thousands of Vicenza families, millions throughout Italy, would do without their precious support in caring for their grandchildren.

A fact for everyone: the over 65s in Italy have an estimated annual disposable income of 283 billion euros and a combined wealth of approximately 4.17 trillion euros in financial and real estate assets, representing almost half of the overall wealth of Italian families. Numbers that disprove many of the most common hoaxes in circulation.”

All this without considering the educational aspect, which sees grandparents, without any doubt, among the main educators of the maturity of the adults of the future.

The Fap Acli of Vicenza

fits fully into this context, contributing to valorising active adults and stimulating meetings between generations. “The constant and mutual comparison between young people and those over 65 – concludes secretary Luzi – represents an extraordinary resource. And, precisely for this reason, our Association is at the forefront of many engagement activities. Including social tourism, training, protection regarding the fragility of people. And a network of offers and commercial promotions for the benefit of members, who must feel part of a big family, as the purchasing spirit wants.”

Vicenza, 19 June 2024

Matteo Crestani Journalist

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