Fiumicino, “Desperately looking for a roundabout in the North”: the appeal of the “Robin Hood” association

Fiumicino, “Desperately looking for a roundabout in the North”: the appeal of the “Robin Hood” association
Fiumicino, “Desperately looking for a roundabout in the North”: the appeal of the “Robin Hood” association

Fiumicino, 19 June 2024 – The association in defense of the rights of citizens, users and consumers Robin Hood spear an appeal to the Municipal Administration of Fiumicino so that the suburbs are equipped with new roundabouts in key traffic points.

“The roundabouts – explains the vice-president of Robin Hood, the architect. Angelo Daruni Ciaffi – they were discovered abroad long before in Italy. They solve many traffic problems because they reduce the risk of accidents, they save fuel for motorists who are no longer queuing waiting for the green light at the traffic lights, they speed up traffic. In our country many are being built precisely because we are aware of their usefulness.

In fact, we note, almost everywhere these junctions, the last of which was in via Coccia di Morto near Focene, traffic and safety have benefited enormously. A traffic light has been avoided, or rather two, making the turn outside the seaside resort easier, and motorists now slow down without long queues waiting for the green light.

“Well in the territory of Fiumicino north – continues architect Daruni – they would desperately need it. At least let’s mention it three cases of very dangerous intersections, unfortunately marred by continuous accidents. The first is the intersection of via Tragliata (which then becomes via Boccea towards Rome) with via dell’Arrone and via Santa Maria di Galeria. These last two roads have a STOP sign, but few respect it. Furthermore, the intersection is covered by numerous plants which do not allow you to see those arriving from the side streets. The second intersection concerns – comments the person responsible for Robin Hood – via di Tragliatella which intersects with via del Casale di sant’Angelo. Recently our LL.PP Councilor. Giovanna Onorati participated in yet another meeting with the other authorities interested in resolving the problem, as the location affects three municipalities: Fiumicino, Rome and Anguillara. There would be plenty of space to build a large roundabout at an intersection that has seen numerous accidents.-

“The third crucial point is Via Aurelia immediately after the two traffic lights in Torrimpietra – concludes Angelo Daruni Ciaffi – Once upon a time there was a traffic light which was then absurdly dismantled. It is impossible to leave Viale Tre Denari to go towards Rome or Civitavecchia. It is difficult to get onto the Aurelia state road for those coming from Corte di Arenaro or from the supermarket or McDonald’s. We appeal to the common sense of Councilor Onorati to work towards the creation of these roundabouts -.

However, another recommendation should be added: it would be necessary review the times of the traffic lights located at the intersection with the Palidoro – Passoscuro station. The queues that form are very long, especially on Sunday morning towards Ladispoli and on Sunday afternoon towards Rome. Traffic and monstrous queues effectively block the Via Aurelia up to Torrimpietra. The green light should be made longer for those coming from Rome and Civitavecchia. it’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.

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