Maturity: Covid and flood weigh on Faenza students

It’s a bumpy scholastic journey that they find themselves at the end of graduates of the 2024. Their entry into high school was marked almost immediately by pandemic: a shock that comes abruptly the path was interrupted before even starting. Two years of intermittent attendance between Dadrestrictions, prohibitions and fear they have burnt part of theirs adolescence. Then, finally, the come back in in class with the fatigue of having to recover not just parts of the plan go up in smoke, but relations in fact never started, experiences, trips, twinning which for some addresses are an integral part of the program. A slow return to normality with identity and balances individual and classy all to build only to arrive, at the end of the fourth year, with the wound offlood. Lessons interrupted one month before the natural closing and days spent ad help (at best) friends, relatives and classmates. Who hasn’t experienced the trauma he personally found himself offering not only arms, but above all support, consolation, support. We called them ‘mud angels‘ and they rewrote a terrible event with the language of solidarity, giving back hope to disheartened and helpless adults. Today they are facing theexamination of maturity. We have to ask ourselves which one price and under what conditions.

Professor Tison: «Young people disappointed and hurt by too large loads»

«Our students are disappointed and hurt – explains Carla Tisonprofessor of philosophy and history at Torricelli–Ballardini High School of Faenza -. Pandemics, climate disasters, wars and contradictions have generated insecurity And anxiety which increase especially in the most sensitive and aware children. These young people are asked to take charge of a world that we created. The incredible thing – Tison specifies – is what a disappointment and fragility they didn’t explode in anger. Not there is dispute towards previous generations, but a refuge in “minor desires“, moments to dedicate to oneself as hobbies, passions and personal relationships”. There probably isn’t an immediate solution to the hardships and inconveniences, but according to Tison «the school has and must have a central role in accompanying young people in dialogue between and within generations. No one can think of facing the challenges that await us alone.”

We start today with Italian, tomorrow the second test, for the third Esabac written next Tuesday

L’state exam it then becomes a piece of a much more complex journey. Today the kids face the theme of Italian and are preparing for the second test address scheduled for tomorrow: Greek for the classic, mathematics for the scientific, third language for linguistics, while the kids from theHesabac (which allows you to obtain two diplomas with a single exam – the Italian State Examination and the French Baccalauréat) will have a third trial written on Tuesday June 25th. For everyone it ends withOral, an interdisciplinary conversation. Among the innovations introduced this year are unique digital platform with the CV of the student who will end up directly in the hands of the commission and the Masterpiece, a personal document with the skills acquired over the five years, which will not be an exam subject. A formula similar to last year, even if in the flooded areas the graduates faced only the oral test. «The Masterpiece, beyond the unfortunate lexical choice – explains Professor Tison who also deals with theorientation at entry and exit – it was not an additional task to carry out, but a choice between what the student considers significant for his own individual growth. It’s an opportunity to personal reflection which is part of the student’s formative self-evaluation”. However, the final exam remains demanding and “it shifts the weight a lot on the exam compared to the five-year training”, concludes Tison. Of the 100 total maximum credits, 40 they come from schooling of the five years, while 60 are attributed with theexamination with twenty points for each test.

Speaking to the students: Federico Passaretti, 5th AS Scientific

passed to maturity

The final exam is a collective ritual, but the way of experiencing it varies from student to student. Among those who feel relatively calm, there is Federico Passarettiof the 5th AS scientific traditional that is too Institute representative. «I don’t have theanxiety exam – he states – and, unlike many of my colleagues, the writing scares me more. He worries me that I don’t know what exactly I’ll find in front of me. The proof of mathematics especially it is the most uncertain. Obviously we prepared in class, but there can be an infinite number of questions and variables and it will be easier to find yourself in difficulty.” For Federico the oral exam presents fewer unknowns because «it takes place on topics of plan. I believe I can handle the conversation and lead the conversation dialogue with the commission quite calmly.” Promoted on Masterpiece on which there are conflicting opinions. «At the beginning I was a bit sceptical, I didn’t understand its usefulness – specifies Federico –. In the Masterpiece I included mine experience as an Institute representative and I realized that it was an opportunity to look back and do a balance. She helped me reflect on the things done, on the meaning they had, on what I learned, excellent food for thought.” He also has clear ideas about her future. «I have already signed up to Political science in Bologna – he concludes -. The scientist showed me my aversion to mathematics. Maybe this is also why I’m so calm.”

Barbara Fichera

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