Agrigento third city in Italy for the best climate, the ranking

Agrigento third city in Italy for the best climate, the ranking
Agrigento third city in Italy for the best climate, the ranking

In the ranking of Italian provincial capitals with the best climate in 2023, the city of Imperia is in first place. This is certified by the climate liveability index, created for the third year by Corriere and Imperia comes close to reaching a thousand points in total (stops at 999) referring to 17 parameters (three more than in previous editions of the study), leaving the second place occupied by Biella by only 8 points.

The Piedmontese city is the surprise of 2023: in previous years it had been penalized by drought, in 2023 it took advantage of its hilly position to mitigate both the tropical nights, those in which the minimum temperature never drops below 20 degrees, and the of heat (the combination of temperature, humidity, wind and solar radiation), two negative parameters that afflict the locations of the Po Valley. Third position for Agrigento. “Compared to previous editions we have expanded the data: in addition to the three parameters that have been added – extreme events and days of frost -, previously the comparison stopped at 2010, now it has been extended up to 2000″, says Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist in charge media of “For each of the 108 provincial capitals, the 17 parameters were compared hour after hour, day by day for 24 years for a total of over 380 million data points”.

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