Cinema in Pesaro, films in competition and shorts on display

Pesaro.- At the Pesaro cinema exhibition on the morning of Wednesday 19 June begins at Palazzo Gradari at 10:00 with the presentation of Bookciak award, Action! in the presence of the curator Gabriella Gallozzi. Following will be the focus on Gianluigi Toccafondo in the presence of the artist and the curator Pierpaolo Loffreda.

At 3.00 pm at the Experimental Theater in the Great Hall the review The “Golden age” of Italian animation pays homage to Manfredo Manfredi. Painter and set designer for theater and television, in the ’60s and ’70s Manfredi created numerous animated short films for Corona Cinematografica and Cineteam – some with a clear social denunciation inspired by current events, others more specifically authorial – which led him with Daedalus winning the Ottawa Animation Festival and receiving an Oscar nomination. In the 80s he mainly created television specials, commercials and TV theme songs. The exhibition pays homage to him with the screening of the following shorts:

CAROSELLO (Italy, 1962-1977, 20”)

BALLAD FOR A PIECE OF NINETY (Italy, 1965, 12’30”)

KO (Italy, 1969, 11′)

ROTOGRAVURE (Italy, 1969, 11′)

SOTTERRANEA (Italy, 1972, 11′)

DEDALO (Italy, 1976, 11′)

IMAGES (Italy, 1976, 10′)

The afternoon at the Experimental Theater continues at 4.10pm with the non-competitive event Short films on display – Italian animators today – curated by Pierpaolo Loffreda and created in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts of Urbino and Macerata, and the Istituto d’Arte Scuola del Libro of Urbino, reserved for the most recent inventive and exciting works created by Italian cinema authors ‘animation. Will be screened:

UNDER, UNDER, UNDER (Italy, 2024, 8’57”) by Riccardo Fraccascia

OBLIVION – THE MENADE (Italy, 2023, 5’58”) by Igor Imhoff

SILVER BULLET (Italy, 2023, 3’23”) by Igor Imhoff

OBLIVION – MERVYN (Italy, 2023, 3’33”) by Igor Imhoff

BATRACHIA (Italy, 2023, 6’48”) by Lorenzo Silano

ON AND OFF (Italy, 2023, 1’07”) by Chiara Gentili

I GIORNI DELLA MERLA (Italy, 2023, 2’53”) by AAVV

GIOVANNA AND THE BIG PEACOCK (Italy, 2024, 3’28”) by Maria Zilli

NUDE RAIN (Italy, 2022, 2’02”) by Erika Giantomasi

EL SABADO EN LA BOQUERIA (Italy, 2024, 1’05”) by Alessia Angelini

COTTON (Italy, 2024, 2’17”) by Lucia Catalini

SHOWER TUNES (Italy, 2024, 0’41”) by Sara Tealdi

SINA AND THE EEL (Italy, 2023, 0’59”) by Anna Giulia Picoco

LE GOBBE IN THE GARDEN (Italy, 2024, 1’46”) by AAVV

GRAZIANO AND THE GIRAFFE (Italy, 2022, 6’35”) by Fabio Orlando, Tommaso Zerbi

I FEEL A SWEET BITE – C’MON TIGRE feat. Giovanni Truppi (Italy, 2022, 3’31”) by Donato Sansone

JUST A MONDAY (Italy, 2023, 2’22”) by Donato Sansone

IL SOGNO (Italy, 2023, 1’12”) by Donato Sansone

PORNOSTAGES (Italy, 2023, 0’59”) by Donato Sansone, Simone Brillarelli, Enrico Ascoli

MY SHADOW OF DOUBT (Italy, 2024, 2’15”) by Alice Curatolo

In the presence of the curator

At 5.10pm the Vedomusica section offers a focus dedicated to Enea Colombi, opportunity to retrace one of the most surprising and personal authorial parables of the last decade. Emerging Italian director, born in the Po Valley province, Enea Colombi is a rising talent in Italy and internationally, one of the key signatures of the current scene. Colombi began his career at the age of 16 making his first music videos for the Italian rap scene, he continued working for international brands and important national artists. In 2023 he became the first Italian videomaker to win a UK Music Video Award for the video “Mare di Guai” by the Italian pop artist Ariete, thus becoming the first director to receive this recognition at a national level. During the tribute the following will be screened:

NEW RECORDING 527 – Mara Sattei (Italy, 2020, 2’28”)

WHILE NO ONE IS WATCHING – Mecna (Italy, 2020, 8’03”)

RUSKS – Fanoya (Italy, 2020, 3’48”)

SOLI – Mecna, Ghemon, Geneva (Italy, 2021, 3’38”)

E TE VENG’ A PIGLIÀ – Liberato (Italy, 2021, 3’56”)

CARLITO’S WAY – Tropico (Italy, 2021, 3’45”)


SEA OF TROUBLE – Aries (Italy, 2023, 3′ 22”)

EVERYWHERE YOU WILL BE – Irama (Italy, 2022, 3’20”)

A MILLION NIGHTS – Mr. Rain, Clara (Italy, 2023, director’s cut 2”40”)

Also at the Experimental Theatre, from 6pmcontinues the international competition, the heart of the International New Cinema Exhibition, with titles from all over the world, the result of a long selection by the artistic director of the Exhibition Pedro Armocida, supported by Paola Cassano, Cecilia Ermini, Raffaele Meale, Stefano Miraglia and Federico Rossin, with the collaboration in the preselection of Carolina Guasina, Mariantonietta Losanno. These are the titles in competition presented on Wednesday:

  • LES HORIZONS (France, 2024, 9′, 16mm) by Antoine Ledroit

In the presence of the director

  • HEXHAM HEADS (UK, Belgium, 2024, 34′) by Chloë Delanghe and Mattijs Driesen

In the presence of the directors

  • CADA GESTO (Spain, 2024, 9’47”) by Valentina Alvarado Matos

In the presence of the director

  • DIRECT ACTION (Germany, France, 2024, 216′) by Ben Russell and Guillaume Cailleau

In the presence of Ben Russell

In parallel, at 3.30 pm in the Pasolini Room the third appointment with the women takes place History lessons edited by Federico Rossin who in this edition will focus on the topic Expanding Your Vision – Multiscreen films from the 1960s and 1970s.

Wednesday’s programming includes the screening of CHRISTMAS ON EARTH (USA, 1963-1965, 30′, 16mm) by Barbara Rubin And PALACE OF PLEASURE (Canada, 1967, 38′) by John Hofsess.

Always in Sala Pasolini, at 5.30pmthe final screening of the collective film shot by the participants of the Super8 shooting workshopedited by Gianmarco Torri and Karianne Fiorini, and under the guidance of the filmmaker, curator and cinematographer Jaap Pieters.

The afternoon of the little ones comes alive with the second appointment with the Circus edited by Giulietta Fara. To the Cinema Astra at 4pm the second part of the teaching laboratory PESARELLE with Piero Tonin and the extraordinary participation of Manfredo Manfredi, which involves the creation of a carousel for the city of Pesaro. TOat 6pm there will be the long-awaited screening premiered in Italy of the animated film 10 LIVES by Christopher Jenkins (soon on Sky Cinema) with the screening in the original language with oversound performed by the actor Andrea Fugaro and in the presence of the curator Giulietta Fara.

Becket the cat, initially alone and abandoned in a cat shelter, manages to escape one day and is accidentally run over by Rose, who, relieved at not having hurt him, decides to adopt him. A strong bond forms between Rose and Becket. But all the cuddles Becket receives make him a lazy and spoiled cat who doesn’t realize how lucky he was to meet Rose. This careless attitude of his leads him to unexpectedly lose his ninth and final life. When he finds himself at the gates of Paradise, all he has to do is beg the guardian to give him one last chance. He asks him for one last life, the tenth, to live. He just wants to go back to Rose and the perfect life before her. After much insistence, the guardian of Paradise indulges him but instead of giving him a tenth life, he gives him another nine. What Becket doesn’t know is that these nine lives will allow him to reincarnate each time in a different animal, a mouse, a cockroach, a skunk, a dog, etc. This journey will be a real life lesson for him, from a spoiled and self-centered cat, Becket will become an altruistic being capable of empathy and generosity. By wearing different clothes in each life, he will learn to stay close to those he loves and to sacrifice himself for others.

The evening in Piazza del Popolo at 9.30 pm is dedicated to a film that is in the hearts of many and which turns 30 in 2024, FORREST GUMP by Robert Zemeckis. a global success that marked one of the highest grossing records of the season and which on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of its release in theaters returns to the big screen accompanied by two exceptional guests.

Cult work – which boasts thirteen nominations and six Oscars ® including best film and director, screenplay a Eric Roth and best male protagonist a Tom HanksFORREST GUMP influenced the collective imagination. It all begins on that iconic bench, at the bus stop, where a candid narrator entertains unsuspecting neighbors by recounting small and large events experienced in his young life. In his words, thirty years of American history flow through crucial meetings and events of which he was an unaware witness. The famous lines remain iconic “Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re going to get!” or “Stupid is whoever acts stupid” – indelible in the memory also thanks to the unmistakable Italian voice of Francesco Pannofinofamous voice actor of many films that have made the history of cinema and who will go on stage to present the film and talk about his experience as Forrest Gump. But in the minds of many, the heartfelt “Run Forrest, run!” with which little Jenny encourages Forrest to run as fast as the wind. And to pay homage to that famous race, the Italian ultramarathoner and marathon runner will be the guest of honor on stage Giorgio Calcaterrathree-time world champion of the 100 km ultramarathon and winner of the 100 km del Passatore 12 consecutive times.

The screening is preceded by the video clip CHE T’O DICO A FA’ – Angelina Mango (Italy, 2023, 3’32”) by Asia & Nicola, one of the six video clips finalists and protagonists of the section Vedomusica chosen from the best 20 Italian video clips, defined and voted through a special social contest. The winner will be chosen by a professional jury composed of Fiaba Di Martino, Fabio Bobbio and Carlo Griseri.

Changing location, at 9.30pm at The Enchanted Sailorganized with the collaboration of the Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Cineteca Nazionale, cinema on the beach proposes the vision of I, I, I… AND THE OTHERS by Alessandro Blasetti.

The evening continues to the rhythm of Wall of Soundat the stroke of midnight at Palazzo Gradari, with MARCO CESARINI & HENRY MCLUSKY providing sound for SOGNI POMERIDIANI (USA, 1943) by Maya Deren feat. Filippo Biagianti, who is entrusted with directing and modulating the video in real time. Maya Deren was a naturalized American director, active in the 40s and 50s of the 20th century and Meshes of the Afternoon is her first short film and is considered one of the most influential avant-garde films in the history of American cinema.

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