AMP-Excessive deficit, Brussels launches infringement procedure for Italy

On the day the final exams start, Italy is preparing to be postponed until September. Wednesday 19 June EU Commission will ratify in Rome and ten other European capitals (including Paris and Brussels) the opening of the infringement procedure for excessive deficit. To weigh on the 7.4% recorded by the Italian deficit in 2023, the 170 billion hole generated by Super bonus which, in conjunction with the facade bonus, generated a deadweight loss quantified by Bank of Italy in 45 billion.

Among the homework that the government will have to carry out in the summer is the reduction of the structural deficit at least half a point of GDP per year net, until 2027, of interest expenses. It’s about 10 billion which, in view of the maneuver, will be added another 18-20 billion to confirm the cut in the tax wedge and the Rai license fee, the three-rate Irpef and the long series of reliefs to support less well-off families, working mothers with two children and so on. Excluding instead for now the obligation to reduce the debt by an average 1% per year expected for those exceeding 60% of GDP.

On Friday 21 June the EU will then indicate the return trajectory four-year or seven-year period that the countries will have to respect based on the sustainability of their respective debts and the net primary expenditurewhich in Italy touches i 1,072 billion: the government will have to adhere to these parameters for the drafting of the new structural budget plan expected in Brussels by September 20th. (All rights reserved)

Posting time: 06/18/2024 8:00 pm
Last update: 06/18/2024 8.09pm

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