«Italy is one and democratic». In Novara in the streets against autonomy and the Premiership

With the cry of «Italy is one and democratic» the opposition political forces (Pd, M5S, Socialist Party, Popular Union, AVS, Action, Italia Viva) met this evening, 18 June, in Piazza Matteotti to demonstrate against autonomy and the constitutional bill on the Premiership approved in the evening by the Senate with 109 yes, 77 no and 1 abstention.

A protest that joined the main one which took place at the same time in Piazza Apostoli in Rome

The demonstration was opened by PD municipal councilor Milù Allegra who recalled: «All the oppositions united wanted to be here in this square. We imagined that this could be an “ignorant” speaker corner in the sense that the microphone is available to everyone and everyone can freely speak and have their say.”

“The presidential reform that those in government have in mind is nothing other than the concentration of power on a single person to the detriment of parliament and the President of the Republic” added the coordinator of the 5 Star Movement, Luca Zacchero.

Representatives of trade unions, parties and even private citizens were present at the rally, but there was no shortage of well-known faces who had not been seen in a public situation for some time, such as the former senator Elena Ferrara and the former mayor of Novara, Antonio Malerba.

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