Mutilated Indian abandoned at work, investigation in Latina

LATINA, JUNE 18 – The Latina prosecutor’s office is investigating the workplace accident that occurred yesterday in the countryside near Latina where a worker lost an arm, severed by a machine and his employers, instead of helping him, loaded him onto a minibus and dumped in front of the house, in very serious conditions. With the severed limb, left near him resting on a box used for harvesting vegetables. The incident was reported by the Flai Cgil Latina-Frosinone and now the prosecutor’s office of the Pontine capital has opened an investigation for negligent personal injury, failure to provide assistance and provisions regarding irregular work. The 31-year-old agricultural worker, of Indian origin, for reasons still under investigation, was hooked by a roller plastic wrapping machine towed by a tractor, which severed his arm and crushed his lower limbs. After the accident which occurred yesterday afternoon on a farm in Borgo Santa Maria, on the outskirts of Latina, he was then rescued near his home by the 118 paramedics and the soldiers of the Latina mobile radio operations unit, together with those of the station of Borgo Podgora. He was urgently transported by air ambulance to the San Camillo hospital in Rome, where he is now hospitalized with a reserved prognosis. The 31-year-old lost a lot of blood, but survived his first night in the Roman hospital. The affair aroused indignation and rekindled attention on the phenomenon of gangmastering and the exploitation of laborers bordering on slavery. In the Chamber, the opposition from Avs to the Pd, from M5s, Iv and Action asked for information from the Minister of Labor Marina Elvira Calderone on the fight against gangmastering, defining what happened as “atrocious”. The president of the Lazio Region Francesco Rocca underlines that what happened is “disconcerting”, “cruel” and “cowardly”, reiterating that “safety at work and the fight against gangmastering are our priority”.

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