Catania, Toscano introduces himself: “We want to do important things”. And on the market…

Catania, Toscano introduces himself: “We want to do important things”. And on the market…
Catania, Toscano introduces himself: “We want to do important things”. And on the market…

The statements released by the new Catania coach in the press conference: “Fifteen thousand season ticket holders in C are seen in few contexts”.

“Catania is a fascinating challenge, this is not a Lega Pro club, but a very high level one. I have always felt this stadium vibrate. Fifteen thousand season ticket holders in C are seen in few contexts. I am looking for a great challenge and this is it”. Domenico said it Tuscan, who spoke this afternoon at the press conference. The contract that tied him to the contract was terminated Cesenawith which he won promotion to B seriesthe coach from Reggio Calabria is the new coach of Catania. “We want to do important things for this city and this club. Catania is a fascinating challenge, a city that gives you a lot. We will be the architects of the destiny of this club and we hope that Sant’Agata will give us a hand. I confirm that I have signed a two-year contract with option for a third”her words.

THE MARKET –“60% or 70% of the staff is already made up. We will work hard to shorten the time. The evaluations we are making are many, at 360 degrees. We must understand who is truly worthy and hungry to give the city immense joy. team we compared ourselves with Faggiano as much as possible. The priority in our staff is the man before the player. We will try to make as few mistakes as possible. We talked about characteristics and not names trained or not, we only talked about values. Young people? I don’t like calling them that: young or not young, it doesn’t matter if they are from Catania, there will be no exclusion you can improve because they are virgins of ideas and you can shape them as you want, in general it is important that they are from Catania.”

PRESSURE –“To win I mean improving every match. It took two years in Cesena. This year we will try not to make the mistakes of last season. In Group C what you notice most is the environmental situation, there are many fields where there is passion. Form? My teams start from a three-man base, but the outfit we should tailor ourselves will depend on the game system, we’ll see. Getting out of this category is the most difficult thing. I must be put before the good of the team. The pressures are nice, they give you adrenaline. Those who live from this profession need places like this. I would talk about responsibility, the honor and the burden of representing one cities like Catania. You must always have responsibility, even when you win. And when you don’t win, you have to find solutions. I am a man from the South, I demand a lot from others and from myself. but off the pitch I am very helpful. I give a lot to those who give me a lot, I rely a lot on my players. I really believe in interpersonal relationships which then make your work on the field easier. If that alchemy is created it’s perfect”concluded Toscano.


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