Wild boar issue: farmers’ protest and response from the Lombardy Region | Gazzetta delle Valli

Wild boar issue: farmers’ protest and response from the Lombardy Region | Gazzetta delle Valli
Wild boar issue: farmers’ protest and response from the Lombardy Region | Gazzetta delle Valli
The rules must be respected and anyone who does not do so will assume all the responsibilities of the case.”
In his speech from the stage set up by Coldiretti, councilor Beduschi recalled that the latest order from the Lombardy Region, in force since Saturday, is a concrete response to facilitate the fight against wild boars with fewer bureaucratic, procedural and resource management constraints economic and that since 2019 over 13 and a half million have been invested in damage prevention and compensation activities.

“The people of the primary sector – concludes councilor Beduschi – today with his usual concreteness he expressed his concern, which we make ours, in defense of the crops threatened by wildlife but also of the pig herd that we must defend from Swine Fever. Exploitation, even political, is of little use. Everyone’s mission is to fight an anomaly that has stratified over time, resulting in the presence of almost 2 and a half million animals in unsuitable areas in areas where they have never historically been”
“The commitment made by the Lombardy Region to adopt the extraordinary plan for the control of wild fauna in the next few weeks is important, as we have requested”.
This is what Gianfranco Comincioli, president of Coldiretti Lombardia, states in commenting on the words of the regional councilor for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Alessandro Beduschi on the occasion of the demonstration of Coldiretti farmers and breeders under Palazzo Pirelli in Milan.

Interventions – How many resources have been allocated by the Lombardy Region to integrate contributions for the prevention of damage caused by wildlife to agricultural production? And how do you intend to proceed to prevent damage to fields and properties? These are the points of the question time signed by Angelo Orsenigo (PD). With the 2024–2026 budget forecast, the Lombardy Region has decided to integrate, with its own resources, the compensation for farmers in the face of damage caused by wildlife to cultivated fields which, according to Coldiretti, amounts to 200 million euros at a national level.

“Lombardy Region has already allocated 750 thousand euros and the intention is to enhance the financing to reach 1 million and 900 thousand euros by the end of the year to cover 77% of the damages” hexplained the Regional Councilor for Agriculture Alessandro Beduschi.

“The hope is that 100% of the damages will be covered in a timely manner and on the basis of appropriate assessments” replied Councilor Orsenigo.

“The League and the Commission that I chair have always fought alongside the regional agricultural world to stem the eco-extremist madness of a certain left. As happens both in the Government and in the European Parliament and, right here, I hope that the new EU Commission will be able to truly listen to the requests and cries of alarm of breeders and farmers. The League, together with its allies in Brussels, is ready to play its part in Europe. The objective is to team up with farmers, with trade associations and with all institutional levels to correct the wrong decisions of a left affected by environmentalist extremism which threatens the survival of the agricultural world, even in the mountains where the presence of wild animals and large carnivores has caused incalculable damage to mountain farmers”, thus Floriano Massardi, regional councilor of the League, president of the “Agriculture, mountains and forests” Commission present this morning at the Coldiretti demonstration in front of Palazzo Pirelli in Piazza Duca d’Aosta in Milan.

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