“Now optimize the resources of the Program Agreement”

AGIT | June 18, 20241.45pm – Councilor Cardinali: “We urge a consultation table”

(press office) – In recent sessions, the municipal council approved the resolution for the Program Agreement for the reconversion and redevelopment project for the complex industrial crisis area of ​​Terni – Narni.
“It is an important tool for planning and managing territorial development – ​​declares the councilor for Economic Development Sergio Cardinali – useful for addressing the ongoing transition which must however be intimately connected to administrative tools and projects (DUP, QSV, etc.).
For example, the issue of investments in the Pentima engineering hub cannot be addressed without linking it to the project currently being defined for the reallocation and redefinition of university faculties in the city area which will be presented in the coming weeks. A preliminary reflection should be made on the Pentima project given the approach of the service conference scheduled for August, for the first phase of work.
A specific reflection must include a verification of the role of the logistics platform on the eve of the destination of a further 12.5 million euros, in light of an overall reflection that concerns roads, transport and distribution in terms of city sustainability and the added value in the production system territorial.
Just as, after three years of waiting to understand the fate of the 15 million euros intended for the chemical hub, how they can represent a driving force for the current critical issues.
Last but not least, the issue of the AST program agreement which is crucial for the production environmentalization process, which after the signing of the agreement on the landfill, today is still at a standstill on the energy issue.
These are issues for which we will immediately ask for a consultation table with all the interested parties, both institutional and representative, the clear message is that the interventions and resources must follow a territorial planning direction that is consistent with the administrative dictates of the Municipality and the Economic Development we imagine.
In conclusion, the signing of the agreement for the crisis area is good, but it is crucial to calibrate the various interventions in a timely and coordinated manner to maximize the positive effects, in short, spending public money well, so that it becomes a multiplier for private investments” .

SPA – Press/Agit. Office

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