Lecce: “WE”, a journey through the stereotypes on migration

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, which will take place on June 20th, the “NOI” project was presented in Lecce, created by GUS (Gruppo Umana Solidarietà “Guido Puletti” Onlus). This is an awareness campaign created by the photojournalist Andrea Gabellone and which will take place in the streets of Lecce and Andrano. Posters will be put up that tell the stories of some refugees hosted in the reception facilities in Salento and, at the same time, tell of the stereotypes and culture of hatred that pollutes public space, starting from social networks, when it comes to migration. “NOI”, which also exploited artificial intelligence, collected from the social pages of local newspapers or groups that refer to Lecce and Salento comments actually published and full of clichés and hateful messages on migration and hospitality.

Comments that the photos and stories of the “NOI” project are responsible for dismantling and returning to the public as a reflection – hence the title – of our fears, our fragilities, of the widespread need to rebuild empathy, abandoning the real square to measure yourself with today’s reality, participating in the integration and inclusion of new Italian citizens.


Gus, Guido Puletti Aps Human Solidarity Group is a non-governmental organization founded in 1993 by a group of volunteers to bring help to the populations affected by the war in the former Yugoslavia. In almost thirty years, the GUS has made the protection of human rights, respect for cultures, the promotion of development and humanitarian aid the basis of its interventions in international cooperation, in emergencies, in reception and integration, in Italy and in the world. Over the years it has operated in Argentina, India, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Iraq, Syria (Rojava), Albania, Mexico, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, India, Iraq and Kosovo.

The GUS works within the SAI network (Integrated Reception System), a second level reception system for refugees and asylum seekers, financed by the Ministry of the Interior and ANCI through local authorities in accordance with the provisions of the decree of the Ministry of ‘Internal of 18 November 2019. As of 31 May the SAI network had 834 active projects on the national territory, 654 of which were managed by Municipalities.

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