Puglia: 30% of consumers buy Km0 – Pugliapress

In the varied panorama of eco-sustainable consumption choices, zero kilometer purchases emerge as one of the most virtuous practices. According to Coldiretti Puglia, almost one in three consumers in the South prefers to buy local products, thus reducing the environmental impact and supporting the local economy.

The ISTAT survey on the environmental concerns of Italians highlights that 28.8% of the inhabitants of Southern Italy adhere to this practice.

The growth of farmers’ markets in the capital cities of Puglia has played a crucial role in facilitating zero-kilometer purchases.

Coldiretti Puglia underlines how this network of markets, with over 1,200 points of sale and 15 thousand farmers involved, not only guarantees fresh and seasonal products, but also contributes to the reduction of pollution thanks to short transport.

The main attraction of purchasing directly from producers is the guarantee of quality and transparency. According to a survey conducted by Coldiretti at farmers’ markets, 73% of consumers believe that buying directly from the farmer is the safest choice, surpassing supermarkets and online purchases.

This preference is further supported by the “No Fake in Italy” mobilization, which promotes transparency of the origin of food products.

Even in difficult times such as the Covid-19 pandemic and international conflicts, farmers’ markets have proven their importance in ensuring constant supplies and safe food. Coldiretti Puglia highlights how these markets have been fundamental in maintaining the transparency and quality of food, while supporting biodiversity and local specificities.

The success of farmers’ markets is the result of far-sighted agricultural policies, such as the 2001 Orientation Law, which promoted the multifunctionality of agriculture.

This law, strongly supported by Coldiretti, has brought agricultural businesses closer to citizens, reconciling economic development with environmental and social sustainability.

Zero kilometer purchases do not only represent an ecological choice, but also an act of valorisation of local culture and biodiversity. A model that could be adopted throughout Italy for a more sustainable future.

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