The Olympic champion Luigi Busà in Reggio Calabria

The movements of a panther and the speed of lightning in the techniques of Karate proposed by Olympic and world champion Luigi Busà which enchanted the children and competitive athletes present at the “PalaPellicone” in Reggio Calabria who attended the “Life Lesson” event organized last June 16th by “Fortitudo 1903”. In addition to the President of the most glorious Calabrian sports club, Prof. Riccardo Partinico” and the Coaches Alessandra Blessed and Rossella Hoof them who assisted the Olympic champion in his speech, the city’s highest sports authorities were present: Dr. Walter Malacrino of “Sport and Health” and the sports councilor of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, Dr. Giovanni Latella.

Among the numerous guests invited to the event were also Dr. Igino Postorino and Dr. Mirella Travia representing the “Rocco Polimeni” Tennis Club which has signed an agreement with Fortitudo 1903, Prof. Pasquale Nucara, author of numerous and interesting books on sport, Maestro Marco Mangiarano of the Kodokan Cosenza and Prof. Renato Facciolo of Vibo Valentia representing FIJLKAM and the RAI journalist Tonino Raffa.

The story of the day

The morning was enlivened with games and pre-athletic courses carried out by around 50 children in the 5/10 year age group who also tried their hand at fighting, one by one, against the Olympic champion Luigi Busà. A moment that will remain indelible in their memory and will help them greatly improve their self-esteem. After receiving the souvenir medal, the champion’s autograph and the photo on the podium, the children left the “Tatami” to the applause of their parents.

Once the first phase was over, it was the turn of the competitive athletes of the rookie, cadet, junior and senior classes of Fortitudo 1903 and of the clubs deserving of invitation: Melito Porto Salvo, Gioiosa Ionica, Cittanova, Messina, Cosenza and San Vito dello Ionio to follow the training sessions, technical compositions and suggestions from the Olympic champion. At the end of the training sessions which ended at around 6pm, Luigi Busà entertained the kids and parents in a very useful conference from an educational point of view.

In addition to outlining what are the guidelines to follow for a correct lifestyle for a boy who wants to practice sport at high levels, offering ideas and telling the story of a boy who started from the deep south and realized the dream he had written and left in a drawer of his small room in Avola in the province of Syracuse, Luigi Busà explained what fear is and how to control it, starting out “I too am afraid before fighting”.

Partinico’s words

He reports Riccardo Partinico: “I had the honor and privilege of being accredited by the International Olympic Committee at the Tokyo Olympics on 6 August 2021 and I was able to admire Luigi Busà’s masterpiece live, his physical and mental strength released in a race that will remain unique in the history of Karate. We wanted to offer the boys of “Fortitudo 1903″ this opportunity to help them grow and succeed in life and in sport. I am happy for the appreciation received from the authorities and parents.”

During his stay in Reggio Calabria Luigi Busà wanted to visit the archaeological Museum and when he found himself faced with the Riace’s bronzes he was struck by their extraordinary physicality. The curiosity to know who they represent was immediately resolved by Prof. Partinico who responded as follows “They are not the mythological characters Eteocles and Polyneices, but they are the Athenian heroes Pericles and Themistocles.”

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