Ancona: intervenes to help the brother subjected to surveillance, but it turns out that he is illegal – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

Ancona: intervenes to help the brother subjected to surveillance, but it turns out that he is illegal – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina
Ancona: intervenes to help the brother subjected to surveillance, but it turns out that he is illegal – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – He intervenes to the rescue of his younger brother, stopped by the police as part of a drug check, but the officers discover that it is clandestine. It happened late yesterday evening (June 16). The Flying squads carried out an inspection in the area of ​​Via Paolucci reported by several residents as a meeting place for drug dealing. In fact, under the bridge of the equipped North-South axis, the policemen surprised three people, foreigners, intent on talking to each other but who, at the sight of the officers, ran away and dispersed in different directions. One of the three was caught and in order not to be stopped and subjected to checks, he resisted, struggling and trying to punch the officers to escape. The boy was identified as a 29-year-old Tunisian citizen: subjected to a personal search he was not found in possession of any illicit substances.

Meanwhile, another man arrived on site, agitated, in a clear state of alteration due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages, as he presented the typical symptoms – alcoholic smell of breath, shiny eyes, logorrhea.

– who, shouting, threatened the officers to let his brother go. The boy, also of Tunisian origin, 27 years old, had shown up on site after being alerted by some acquaintances.

Since both brothers did not have the required identification documents, they were accompanied to the police headquarters for the necessary investigations.

While the youngest was registered as an applicant for international protection, the other was completely unknown, present on the national territory in a state of clandestinity. Therefore, following the investigations, the twenty-nine year old was reported to the Judicial Authority for resisting a Public Official and for violating the legislation on entry and residence in the national territory, while his brother was reported for violating the legislation relating to residence.

Evaluations are underway regarding the possible adoption of administrative measures against them.

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