how to defend yourself and what are the health risks

how to defend yourself and what are the health risks
how to defend yourself and what are the health risks

Today, June 18, an orange sticker and heat alert in Rome. Temperatures will reach 35 degrees, but watch out for Thursday and Friday, when 40 degrees are expected in the capital.

Today first day of heat alert in Rome And first orange badge of the 2024 summer season. For the moment the heat is not yet a red flag, which should instead mark the days of Thursday and Friday. But even today, Tuesday 18 June 2024, the heat will be felt in the Capital: the morning was still cool, with temperatures around 21/22 degrees, but in the central hours of the day the thermometer will reach around 34 degrees, a perceived temperature of 35 degrees. Tomorrow, still orange, the highs will reach 36 degrees, but it is from Thursday that the African anticyclone Minos will make its presence seriously felt: in Rome, in fact, 40 degrees are expected. Then, over the weekend, a drop in temperatures is expected.

As mentioned, today is the first orange badge of the season in Rome, according to the data from the bulletin on heat waves, released by the Ministry of Health. Yellow sticker, however, in the other provinces of Lazio. The level 2 alert, orange, indicates “high temperatures and weather conditions which may have adverse effects on the health of the population, in particular in susceptible population subgroups. (health and social services alert)”.

If you have an orange sticker, experts recommend avoiding going out and exposing yourself to the sun during the hottest hours of the day, between 11am and 6pm, and not doing intense physical activity during the hottest hours. If possible, spend the hottest hours of the day in the coolest room of the house and bathe yourself often with water. Spend, if possible, a few hours in a public place with air conditioning, especially the hottest ones. Wear light-colored clothing made of natural fibers such as linen and cotton and don’t forget to cover your head and use sunglasses. Before going out, apply a high protection sunscreen to exposed skin. Drink plenty of liquids but limit sugary drinks, carbonated drinks, coffee or tea.

Weather forecast Rome and Lazio June 14: sun and heat, temperatures reach thirty degrees

As we reported yesterday, to deal with the heat waves of summer 2024, the Capitoline administration has placed 30 potted trees at as many bus stops to make citizens’ wait less hot and more pleasant.

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