Meloni sees 30%, Forza Italia surpasses Conte

What would happen if Italy voted today? One week from European elections which confirmed the advance of the centre-right government parties (together they reach 47%), the surprising growth of the Democratic Party, the leap forward of the Green and Left Alliance and the collapse of the 5 Star Movement, comes the Political Thermometer poll to photograph a situation still in progress.

The trends of 8 and 9 June are confirmed, but with three dynamics that literally “exploded”: Brothers of Italy it draws a blank and comes close to 30%, the dems are confirmed and the 5 Stars of Giuseppe Conte, who had justified the transfer of votes by linking it to the European elections (together with the administrative elections, the historical Achilles’ heel of the party), which fell below 10 percent. AND Fratoianni And Bonelli who evidently continue to enjoy the Ilaria Salis effect.

In detail, FdI di Giorgia Meloni is given today to 29.4%, up 6 points compared to the 28.8% confirmed by the polls a week ago. Behind, firmly second, the Democratic party to the 24.4% (+0.3 on the European ones).

Third party, and here is the first sensational surprise, is Forza Italia. In the wake of the success of the EPP, Antonio Tajani fly to 9.8% (it was at 9.6%, again in combination with Noi moderates) and overtakes the Movement, which has slipped to 9.6% (at the European elections he had grabbed a very slim 10%). In fifth place there League Of Matteo Salvinito the8.6% (it was 9% at the European elections, also benefiting from the external candidacy of General Vannacci).

Closing the list of parties that “deal the cards” is Advwhich even reaches the 7.1% compared to the sensational 6.7% of a few days ago. Whether it is the result of euphoria, media exposure for the Salis case or consolidation of the political data of the Greens and the Left, in tandem with the decline of the Grillini, will be seen in the coming weeks. Now residual, as demonstrated by the European elections, the values ​​of Action (to the 3.2%), Italia Viva (to the 2%), Peace, Earth and Dignity (2%) And +Europeto (1.6%), all lists which, despite various alchemies and alliances, have not surprisingly remained outside the Strasbourg European Parliament.

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