Maturity in Puglia, let’s start: test for 36,600 students

There are 36,651 Apulian students engaged in exams maturity 2024: 14,933 between Bari and Bat and the province, 3,259 in Brindisi, 6,103 in Foggia, 7,105 in Lecce, 5,251 in Taranto.

First test tomorrow

We start tomorrow – Wednesday 19 June – at 8.30 am with the first test, the same for everyone, and continue the following day, again at 8.30 am with different tests according to the disciplines characterizing the individual study paths. The interview is scheduled for the following Monday; the commissions will listen to 5 candidates per day. For some students from Lecce and Bari, however, the start of the oral exam will be postponed due to the run-off elections, since the municipalities in the second round return to the polls on Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th, until 3 pm. Compatibly with the counting and the the subsequent cleaning of the rooms, the start of the oral exams, in the schools where the polling station is located, could therefore be postponed to Tuesday or Wednesday of the same week. Kids these days also practice using artificial intelligence: 1 in 4 mature students, according to a survey, are already using tools like ChatGPT to review the program.

The help of AI

Only 15%, however, are using AI in relation to the traces of the written essay, while the majority are convinced that it is more useful for the oral exam. The first test verifies both the mastery of the Italian language and the expressive, logical-linguistic and critical skills of the students. The test has a maximum duration of 6 hours. The ministry makes 7 tracks available for all study areas which refer to the artistic, literary, historical, philosophical, scientific, technological, economic and social fields. In total traces we find the anniversary of the assassination of Giacomo Matteotti, the birth 150 years ago of Guglielmo Marconi and that 120 years ago of Robert Oppenheimer. Even an in-depth study on the issues of climate change and the new frontiers opened by artificial intelligence, according to the students, could stimulate the “imagination” of ministerial commissioners. Among the most popular authors are Luigi Pirandello, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Alessandro Manzoni and Giuseppe Ungaretti. Among the historical anniversaries, the First World War stands out but the Normandy landing also makes its way. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the war in Ukraine together with 20 years of Facebook with everything related to social networks and gender violence are, however, at the top of the list of favorite current affairs questions. The second test concerns one or more of the disciplines that characterize the course of study. In classical high school the second test is a version of Greek; to science it’s mathematics. In the classics, the authors in question are Plutarch, Aristotle, Xenophon and Isocrates. A third written test will be held only in some particular cases, such as for the schools of the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. The interview will start from an initial point chosen by the Commission. The student’s ‘Masterpiece’ will not be the subject of the interview, unlike the student’s CV, which the commission will instead take into account.

Councilor Leo

Meanwhile, on the eve of the exam appointment, the regional councilor Sebastiano Leo addresses the students to support them in this test: «Each of us remembers our final exam, remembers those days of understandable fear and blinding hope. State exams represent a fundamental step in everyone’s life. There are no particular tips to dare, other than to do the best possible and study, at the same time without forgetting to savor every moment of a unique and romantic moment. The days of waiting, the afternoons studying, the evenings meeting to share. To the girls and boys of Puglia they say open your lungs and breathe in every single emotion that this unique period gives you. The machine of the Apulian School, now widely tested, is ready to guide you and support you in this moment of life.”

From psychologists, however, the advice is: “Experience this moment with serenity and a pinch of lightheartedness: it will be an unforgettable success.” The extraordinary commissioner of the Order of Psychologists of the Puglia Region, Giuseppe Luigi Palma, observes: «It is undeniable that the State exam is an important event and represents an opportunity to grow but risks becoming a source of anxiety, of being burdened until too many meanings and therefore should not be interpreted as an event that will determine success or failure in one’s life. The girls and boys will find themselves for the first time faced with managing a whirlwind of emotions, including anxiety which, however, does not always come to harm.” «The agitation – explains Palma – that we feel during some events, if not excessive, is useful because it helps us to stay focused, manage performance and overcome difficulties, as well as tempering us for the subsequent trials of life, whatever the ‘outcome. And it is also a sort of measure: witnesses that we are giving weight to actually important evidence.” For the psychologist, the key to exam anxiety can be found in awareness. «My invitation is not to consider maturity as a threatening situation, in the face of which we are led to take dangerous paths. On the contrary, it is useful to face the exam as a test for which we have prepared with the belief that it will be the pass towards a future where all our dreams will be realized. Don’t look for perfection, be yourself.”

Bishop Iannuzzi

Finally, a word of support also from the world of the church, with the bishop of the diocese of Castellaneta, Monsignor Sabino Iannuzzi. He also addresses students directly: «Through the test that you are about to face, it is as if Life takes you to cross the threshold of entry into its adult phase, because, regardless of the multiple meanings that the State Exam brings in itself, for you it is a sort of “rite of passage” due to its value. public and private. The message I wish to deliver to you, from the heart of those who truly care about your well-being and walk alongside you, is to continue to nourish, through constant and permanent study, the “power of thought” that the school has contributed to strengthening and structuring. Apparently studying does not seem to give immediate and satisfying profits, yet it remains the best investment in life for the integral maturation of the person: that maturity which, having now reached the end of school, you are preparing to acquire and certify with the positive outcome of an exam. How I would like that during this important verification, together with the emotion and trepidation, you will also perceive my discreet closeness in the prayer that I will reserve for everyone. Know that I am with you and, above all, the Lord is.”



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