Como Stadium, letter from the Residents Committee to the mayor: “Why so much secrecy? Our 7 questions”

Como Stadium, letter from the Residents Committee to the mayor: “Why so much secrecy? Our 7 questions”
Como Stadium, letter from the Residents Committee to the mayor: “Why so much secrecy? Our 7 questions”

An open letter on the future of the Sinigaglia Stadium in Como, addressed to the mayor Alessandro Rapinese. To send it, the “Committee for a new Sinigaglia”made up largely of residents in the plant area which – as is known – Como 1907 would like to radically transform with a project that is still top secret. In the meantime, however – probably from the beginning of July – they should leave buffer works for usability already in view of the next Serie A. We publish below the full document of the Committee, with the 7 questions asked of the mayor which have not yet found an answer despite several attempts.

Is the stadium still owned by the citizens?

Open letter to the Mayor Alessandro Rapinese

Gent. Mayor,

We write this letter to you on behalf of the “Committee for a New Sinigaglia”. We are people who live in Como, mostly in the stadium area, the lakeside gardens and the surrounding neighborhoods. We wanted to specify right from the name that we are a committee FOR and not AGAINST. Our goal is not to block or protest uncritically but to work and discuss TO build, to ensure that every intervention on Como makes the city more beautiful and livable. Several of us also voted for her in the last elections and many are Como fans.

We write because we believe it is useful to provide citizens with some information on the redevelopment works of the stadium. A meeting with the citizens was never organized and the project was never presented with an official communication from the Municipality. We turned to the technical office of the Municipality and they replied that everything is in the hands of the Mayor. We turned to the SENT company (owner of Como) and they replied that they cannot provide any information.

Two weeks before the start of the work we are really struggling to understand the reason for so much secrecy.

In the absence of official news for months Rumors and gossip of all kinds continue to circulate: we do not believe that this is the best way to tackle such important works for one of the most valuable areas of our city.

This is why we turn to you. To get an answer to these questions:
1) What type of works will be carried out on the stadium and in what timeframes?

2) Has the architectural impact of these works on the valuable works present been assessed? (Novocomum, Monument to the Fallen of Sant’Elia, Volta Temple, rationalist façade of the swimming pool and the stadium)

3) What impact will these works have on existing parking lots: will they be increased or decreased? Given the increased capacity, has a mobility plan been studied so as not to block the streets of the entire city every time?

4) When the matches are played, will the surrounding streets and car parks be banned (like today) or will the “red zone” be extended?

5) There are always safety problems at matches due to some rude and often drunk fans. Have any safety measures been thought of in view of the greater number of fans who will be present?

6) If the “distincts” section is raised, a legitimate and pre-established interest such as that of the lake view of the neighboring apartments will be affected. Was this aspect addressed in the design phase to minimize inconvenience? How will owners who see their property lose value be compensated?

7) Is the renovation of the Corridoni school, adjacent to the stadium, also included in the work plan? It was damaged by smoke bombs and firecrackers thrown by some fans last year and has been a construction site for a couple of years.

With the utmost respect for everyone, we fear that having entrusted the project to foreign professionals who do not know Como and its peculiarities could lead to solutions that are unsuitable for our traffic and our city. The opacity that seems to surround the project worries us even more.

The Hartono family, owners of Como, are very rich and the concessions that will be made by the Municipality are particularly important for them. To clear the field of every shadow we believe that this dialectic on the details of the project, on the inconveniences created and on the compensations to the city must necessarily be more transparent and shared. So that the city can make the most of this opportunity and so that everyone can enjoy what could truly become the most beautiful stadium in the world.

“Committee for a New Sinigaglia”

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