The maturity of politicians: Conte, Meloni, Renzi and Schlein with top marks – Maturity 2024

The maturity of politicians: Conte, Meloni, Renzi and Schlein with top marks – Maturity 2024
The maturity of politicians: Conte, Meloni, Renzi and Schlein with top marks – Maturity 2024

From the maximum rating of Conte, Meloni, Renzi and Schlein to the 48/60 of Tajani and Salvini.

These are the results of the secondary school leaving exams of the leaders of the main Italian political partieswho were recently interviewed by, also told some anecdotes from their school years.

For example, Elly Schlein she defined herself as shy, at least during her studies, complete with a university anecdote: “I was forced to run for the faculty council and I remember the effort of handing out flyers because I’m shy: in the end I got 71 votes”.

And apparently organization wasn’t her strong point either: “I was a terrible student”, says the secretary of the PD, “one of those who did well but who was reduced to studying in the last 48 hours, in extremis, who applied herself when he feels the pressure. The paradox is that, while doing well, I was also considered a nerd.” This is confirmed by the excellent results obtained, starting from maximum marks at the high school diploma, earned in 2004 in Switzerland, in an address comparable to the traditional classical high school. The journey then continued with one Bachelor’s degree in law For “apply a fine”also in this case with full marks, 110 and praise.

Giorgia Meloni, instead, she describes herself as “an upper-middle grade student.” The prime minister boasts, in fact, a 60/60 at the linguistic high school diploma. But, despite this, she doesn’t recognize herself in the image of the nerd, on the contrary: “It’s not that I studied much, but I did well. I was the classic one who ended the night before the test, she studied half the program and showed up prepared”.

His real problem had more to do with discipline: “La conduct era lowusually it was 7 in the first quarter, then 8 in the second, in the end I got by.”

To know more The-maturity-of-politicians-Conte-Meloni ANSA Agency Maturity, anti-anxiety advice from method to food – Teen – What to eat and how to study. Don’t forget activities and fun (ANSA)

Another brilliant student he was Giuseppe Conte. When asked by the student portal, the leader of the Five Star Movement defined himself a student who studied”, but also a pupil “who didn’t bring books to school because my classmate had to bring them for me too. I then reciprocated.” Conte, to Maturity – prepared, as he himself said, by listening to De Gregori’s “Generale” – he achieved the top marks (60 out of 60), as well as the Bachelor’s degree in law.

“I was an average student – he says instead Antonio Tajani – good in some subjects, more difficult in others. Once I even got a 1 on the Greek test. But I have never been postponed or failed.”

The leader of Forza Italia explained that he did not like scientific subjects, such as mathematics, to which he preferred Italian, history and philosophy, as well as Greek and Latin.

“It’s always been a problem with numbers – he confesses – it’s no coincidence that I went to classical high school and then law”. However, a problem was solved during political activity: “When you deal with budgets you have to know the numbers well. I was a bit of a repeating student.” Tajani obtained the Maturity with a score of 48/60 And degree in Law with the score of 108 out of 110.

Another former student with some difficulty with numbers and formulas is Matteo Salviniwho thus recalls his past as a student: a student “fair, with the guesswork and self-management that needed to be done. He only deferred once, in first year of high school, in mathematics”. A conflictual relationship with numbers that persists: “In some ways it is still like this. After 35 years I still confess my hatred towards inequalities.”

The leader of the Northern League says he achieved the Maturity with 48 out of 60“. “Let’s say that being a Northern League member in a high school like that probably didn’t help” he underlined. The reference goes to the Alessandro Manzoni of Milan, which according to his memories was “one of the most ‘red’ Milanese high schools of the time”.

Matteo Renzi, however, he declared that he would have liked to study Greek more thoroughly and then recounted his experience as a school representative: “I did it for two years, in second and third high school. The first time I passed normally, but the following year I was the most voted.”

The leader of Italia Viva described himself as one student “half and halfin the sense that I came out of high school well, with 60-60ths. But first, I was also sent back to Science, in my fourth year. I think I was the only one at the Classic.”

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