“priority is the defense of the territory”

“We lived through a weekend full of demagogy seasoned with unpreparedness which are evidently the only arguments of which some political exponents are capable”. Thus begins the controversial message spread by the mayor of Crotone, Vincenzo Vocein response to some press releases released over the weekend by local political leaders.

“The first pearl, in this sense, was offered by Filippo Sestito of Arci whose sense of ethics and morality is evidently I waver depending on the circumstances. It would be enough to remind him that the first agreement with Eni a centre-left mayor did it. Then he went everything is fine, Madame the Marchesa?” states the mayor. “He has a short memory, the good Filippo Sestito. Forget that when the jack-up arrived, to carry out maintenance on the methane gas wells, during that syndication, the territory he didn’t benefit from a cent contrary to what happened with us.”

“Memory lapses they multiply because he forgets that that syndication benefited from royalties, which among other things we did not perceive, having found a hole of 9 million eurosa debt previously contracted with the Region” he further underlines. “But the list of amnesias is long. We are the ones who sued Eni for the rights owed to the city for the IMU (now IMPI) on the platforms. We are the ones who have insured canteen and school transport to allow less well-off families to have adequate services. We are the ones who we ensured fishermen received fair compensation for the missed catch. We are the ones who we are building infrastructure important for the city community”.

“If on the one hand we have a political exponent with his own concept of ethics and morals, on the other, this weekend, we found another who I’m not satisfied with the fool made in a comparison with myself on the reclamation of industrial areas he continues to show off his unpreparedness and lack of knowledge of the problem” continues Voce. “Next June 26th I will be in Rome for an important services conferencethe contents of which the provincial secretary of the PD was unaware of at the time of the discussion and confirms, with his latest declarations, that continue to ignore“.

“Then season these utterances, which they do not contain any technical referenceswith terms like perfect murder gives the measurement of their carat weight. Eni is fighting with knowledge of the facts, with technical reasons. And that is what we are doing, having already rejected Eni’s attempts to impose a bogus reclamation” he reiterates in conclusion. “I want to reassure my fellow citizens that in Rome I will reiterate a concept that we share with the Region and Province: defense of our territory“.

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