Up to 30,000 euros to buy a house in mountain areas of Tuscany

FLORENCE, JUNE 17 – You can receive up to a contribution of 30 thousand euros to buy a house if you move to a small mountain town in Tuscany, i.e. with less than 5,000 inhabitants. It is the benefit of the Region’s announcement on ‘Residentiality in the mountains 2024’ just published and aimed at encouraging and encouraging the repopulation and socio-economic revitalization of the Tuscan mountain areas. The call has an endowment of 2 million and 800 thousand euros from the Italian Mountain Development Fund (Fosmit) and is aimed at all citizens, Italian or from another EU state or non-EU citizens, holders of a residence permit lasting no less than 10 years , who reside in a non-mountain Italian municipality. You have until 1pm on July 27th to apply: the requested contribution can range from a minimum of 10 thousand to a maximum of 30 thousand euros, in any case, it cannot exceed 50% of the total expenses incurred for the costs connected to the purchase of the property and related appurtenances. “The mountain – said the president of Tuscany Eugenio Giani – is a great environmental and cultural resource with an equally great economic value. The Region is investing to significantly support the quality of life and the development conditions of areas we want continue to give constant and incisive action and the ban on residential housing by encouraging new lifestyles gives new life to places where new communities and therefore development and growth can grow”. For Stefania Saccardi, vice-president and councilor for internal areas, she observes: “The Tuscan mountains are territories of unique beauty with villages to be rediscovered which however suffer from depopulation. Deciding to live in one of these municipalities is therefore a challenge and an opportunity, especially for young people and the call, giving a concrete opportunity to the mountains, also offers the opportunity for a new life choice. The request for contribution can be submitted exclusively electronically, via a specific web application accessible at the address https://servizi .toscana.it/formulari/#/home via updated internet browsers (preferably Chrome or Mozilla Firefox).

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