Opera at Villa Sciarra: art in nature for the 2024 summer season – EZ Rome

Opera at Villa Sciarra: art in nature for the 2024 summer season – EZ Rome
Opera at Villa Sciarra: art in nature for the 2024 summer season – EZ Rome

The historic Villa Sciarra in Rome is preparing to welcome again, on 27 June 2024, from 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm, the contemporary art exhibition OPERA: art in nature – nature in art. Curated by Eugenia Querci and Elena Lago, the initiative is part of a large cultural project that promotes the interconnection between art and nature. The event, now in its second edition, aims to consolidate the relationship between citizens, artists and public spaces.

A laboratory of art and nature

After the great success of the 2023 edition, the OPERA summer exhibition returns with an even richer and more complex program. Villa Sciarra, located between the Monteverde, Gianicolo and Trastevere districts, will be the evocative setting for this exhibition. The objective is to create a path where the artistic installations dialogue with the natural context of the park, offering visitors a new perspective on the art-nature combination.

The project was promoted by the Amici di Villa Sciarra association and the Creazione neighborhood committee, with the support of Roma Capitale and the UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital clinic. These entities collaborate to strengthen ties between citizens, artists, artisans and local administrations, promoting cultural initiatives that enhance the common heritage and raise public awareness of respect for nature.

An interactive artistic journey

The exhibition itinerary ideally begins at the entrance to Via delle Mura Gianicolensi, where an information point will be set up. From here, visitors will be guided towards the area in front of the Institute of Germanic Studies and, going up to the right, they will reach the highest part of the villa, known as Montagnola. This enchanting corner, with its wrought iron temple, offers a splendid view of Monteverde, making the experience even more fascinating.

The exhibition will see the participation of twenty artists, who will present their installations, sculptures and performances. Among these, the names of Evelyne Baly, Franca Bernardi, Marina Buening, Emanuela Camacci, Francesca di Ciaula, Isabelle Fordin, and many others stand out. Each work represents a personal interpretation of the relationship between art and nature, an invitation to reflect on the beauty and importance of preserving our environment.

Performances and live music

In addition to the permanent installations, the day will be enriched by a series of special events. The official presentation of the exhibition will take place at 6.00 pm in the Conference Room of the Institute of Germanic Studies. At 7.00 pm, the performer Francesca di Ciaula will entertain the public with an engaging performance, which will add a further dimension to the artistic experience of the park.

At the end of the day, at 8.00 pm, the jazz saxophone quartet Aerosol will perform a concert in the splendid setting of Villa Sciarra. The musical performance, which mixes tradition and improvisation, will offer a moment of relaxation and reflection, closing the evening in an unforgettable way.

Useful information

The exhibition OPERA: art in nature – nature in art will be held on 27 June 2024 from 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm at Villa Sciarra, Rome. Entrance is free and available from Viale delle Mura Gianicolensi and via Calandrelli. Below is the program for the day:

  • 6.00 pm: Presentation of the exhibition in the Conference Room of the Institute of Germanic Studies.
  • 7.00 pm: Performance by Francesca di Ciaula.
  • 8.00 pm: Concert by the jazz saxophone quartet Aerosol.

The event is curated by Eugenia Querci in collaboration with Elena Lago, and promoted by the Friends of Villa Sciarra Association and the Creazione neighborhood committee, with the support of Roma Capitale and the UPMC partner Salvator Mundi International Hospital. Participating artists include Evelyne Baly, Franca Bernardi, Marina Buening, Emanuela Camacci, Francesca di Ciaula, Isabelle Fordin, Pino Genovese, Umberto Ippoliti, Alfonso Maria Isonzo, Fabio Mariani, Cosetta Mastragostino, Emanuela Mastria, Flavia Mitolo, Daniela Monaci, Maurizio Perissinotto , ReBarbus, Massimo Saverio Ruiu, Silvia Stucky, Alberto Timossi, and Tania Welz.

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