the one in viale Togliatti, the map, turned on

Bologna, 17 June 2025 – Speed ​​Cameras: in Bologna the number of electronic eyes active 24 hours a day to monitor the data rises to 5 speed violations.

The new speed camera in Viale Togliatti in Bologna: it is now active, pay attention to the speed limit of 50 kilometers per hour (photo Schicchi)

After the two ‘historic’ ones Stalingrad and avenue Panzacchithe one in also turned on viale Togliatti, that is, what the Bolognese commonly call ‘the streets’. The inflexible detector for those who exceed 50 kilometers per hour is located (coming from the center and going towards Borgo Panigale) just before the roundabout which acts as a cross with via della Pietra. It is active in both directions.

The map

Here’s where the two new speed cameras are on Viale Togliatti:

The third velox of the new launch

I am 5 new velox positions approved by the prefecture in July last year: of these, the one in via Togliatti is the third to be activated. The first two were the ones in Berti Pichat avenue and avenue Lenin. The other 2 devices will be activated by the summer and are in viale Vittorio Sabena (also in this part of the city, it is the road with the tunnel that connects the Maggiore to via Zanardi) e viale Sergio Cavinanear the Cedri park.

The signs

Before the new veloxes, also in the case of this one in Viale Togliatti, sound strips were installed on the asphalt and signs indicating “electronic speed detection” with the hat of the local police, in both directions and repeated on the left side of the road.

Furthermore, shortly before – in both directions – they are active panels which remind drivers of the 50 km/h speed limit equipped with devices flashing and a display that shows the word “slow down”.

Why here

From the survey on the roads – the Municipality says – with the highest value of accident density (i.e. the ratio between the number of accidents caused by inadequate speed and the length of the road in km) in the period 2016-2021, it emerges that viale Togliatti is among those with the highest number of accidents (87).

The fines

Drivers who do not respect the speed limit, which on this road is 50 kilometers per hour, violate article 142 of the Highway Code. These are the values ​​of the sanctions foreseen:

  • from 1 to 10 km/h above the 50 limit: 42 euros
  • from 11 to 40 km/h above the limit of 50: 173 euros and 3 points on the driving licence;
  • from 41 to 60 km/h beyond the limit 50: 543 euros, 6 points and license suspension;
  • more than 60 kilometers beyond the limit: 845 euros, 10 points and suspension of the licence.

These sanctions are applied in case of violation committed between 7 am and 10 pm; if the violation is committed between 10pm and 6.59amthe value of the penalty comes increased by 30%.

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