G7, police commissioner Brindisi: ”Never a summit without accidents, a success in security management” – il Fatto Nisseno

(Adnkronos) – Over three months of ”intense, extraordinary and enthusiastic” work between provincial committees and technical tables, a team with the best professionalism, patient mediation work to manage dissent and great collaboration between the various police forces in the field. These are the ingredients which, according to the police commissioner of Brindisi, Giampietro Lionetti, have led to ”success” in managing the security of the G7. ”I don’t want to be wrong – he confides to Adnkronos – but I don’t remember a summit where nothing happened like in this case: for me it was a professional success. I’m really happy”. Lionetti took office at the police station in Brindisi at the end of April, ”after 20 years spent at Digos”. ”I was used to that type of activity – he says – But organizing an event like that is a completely different thing: the police chief gave me the opportunity to choose the ‘team’ and I had trained managers and officers at my disposal, professionally very good, the best we have. So despite the difficulties due to the territory, a very beautiful but very vast territory, having this professionalism in the field gave us an edge. Together we managed to solve every problem which is no small thing and in the end it was easier than I thought”. ”Let’s not forget all the committees and technical tables held with the prefect, in which the provincial commanders of the carabinieri and financial police and the military also participated – he underlines – It was a textbook job and very intense of participation, sharing and discussion , each with its own prerogatives”. ”There was some concern about the demonstration in Fasano – says Lionetti – in the pro-Palestine component there were different realities, all the antagonistic left and the anarchist part but, despite everything, it went well, the credit goes precisely to this work of squad. There have been intense months of dialogue with these entities to try to bring home a result and we succeeded”. ”It’s true that there were posters, something offensive yes but minimal compared to what happened recently during the demonstrations”, he explains. ”We must consider that this summit was held at a delicate moment with the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine – he underlines – A moment in which in various countries but also in some Italian cities there were demonstrations in which even accidents. In this context, in which tempers were quite heated, we managed to obtain an important result with communication and mediation work”. ”I started from the assumption, as guaranteed by the Constitution, that it was necessary to give people the opportunity to express dissent with respect to the policies of the G7 – he says – The organizers of the protests came here to the police station to present notice, we assigned them areas that they did not affect the maximum security zone, i.e. the one close to the summit, and the demonstrations took place there. Then we carried out important mediation activity”. Fundamental to the management of the event was the establishment of the Joint Operations Room, where all the police forces and the armed forces were present, coordinated by the Brindisi police headquarters. ”This was also an extraordinary experience. There was collaboration and sharing. The single channel for communications was used in the room: we bet on this and there were no problems regarding communication”. Furthermore, an advanced operations room has also been established closer to the location of the summit, ”necessary”, underlines the police commissioner of Brindisi, ”given the distances”. (by Giorgia Sodaro) —[email protected] (Web Info)

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