early closure of commercial activities

On the occasion of the “Riprendiamoci il Piazzone” event scheduled for Wednesday 19 June, at 7.00 pm, the participating commercial activities have established an early lockout at 6.30 pm.

In addition to practical reasons and thus allowing traders and employees to participate in the procession, the initiative also takes on a symbolic value to send a strong and clear message to the municipal administration: there is no more time to waste.

It’s our right – is written in a note signed by the “The Center of Viareggio” Committee – residents and operators of the city center – know the truth about the state of the art of the redevelopment of the beating heart of the city, of its commercial and tourist engine: this is why we decided to close our shops first and take to the streets to mobilize in defense of our history and to get answers about the future . We ask for urgent measures against degradation, to protect the safety of residents and traders and also considering the tourist vocation and importance of the area, which also deserves new street furniture, greater decoration and promotional and commercial and tourist relaunch initiatives. We have asked the mayor several times to intervene and convene an open city council on the topic but to date our appeal has remained unheard. With this initiative we intend to further raise the attention and the level of alertness, we hope that the mayor decides to take us seriously and provide some certain information and some solutions to the problems raised several times.

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