Bari, 200 polling station presidents renounce their positions for the run-off between Leccese and Romito

Bari, 200 polling station presidents renounce their positions for the run-off between Leccese and Romito
Bari, 200 polling station presidents renounce their positions for the run-off between Leccese and Romito

The news of the resignation of 200 seat presidents out of 345 for the Bari ballot on 23 and 24 June gives rise to some reflection. An exorbitant number that invites you to ask yourself some questions about who chooses the referees for the match“. The senator of the Brothers of Italy, Filippo Melchiorre, wrote this in a note.

The centre-right exponent from Bari, committed to supporting the candidacy of Fabio Romito, also calls into question the centre-left challenger, Vito Leccese. “It is precisely to the office of the Chief of Cabinet of the Municipality of Bari (i.e. the office of the centre-left candidate Vito Leccese) that I ask these questions – explains Melchior – What criteria were used to appoint replacements to the polling stations? How were the appointments made? Who chose who to call? For what reasons did such a large number of seat presidents give up?

Given that the polling station president is the person most responsible for a polling station and supervises the correct progress of all phases of an election (from preparation operations to the delivery of the parcels) – concludes the FdI senator – we will write to the Prefect so that, in light of these sudden substitutions, transparency and fairness are guaranteed in the run-off round“.

Filippo Melchiorre’s political commitments will have to undergo a small stop in the next few days. “Yesterday I underwent emergency surgery for retinal detachment – the senator from Bari writes on his Facebook page – for this reason and, despite myself, I am forced to have a few days of convalescence and almost certainly two more operations. Never underestimate the body’s signals like I did who, for having neglected an eye problem, ended up under the knife. Luckily under the magical hands of Doctor Antonio Acquaviva, director of the Ophthalmology Unit of the ‘Di Venere’ Hospital in Bari, whom I thank together with his excellent team“.

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