Reconstruction Ischia. 10 experts for the establishment of mandatory consortia. Legnini fishes in the USRC of L’Aquila

Reconstruction Ischia. 10 experts for the establishment of mandatory consortia. Legnini fishes in the USRC of L’Aquila
Reconstruction Ischia. 10 experts for the establishment of mandatory consortia. Legnini fishes in the USRC of L’Aquila

The Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government for the reconstruction in the territories of the island of Ischia affected by the seismic events of 21 August 2017, Giovanni Legnini, with decree no. 2014 provided for the establishment of a Working Group for activities aimed at defining the aggregates that require the establishment of a mandatory consortium. The group will include 8 members, technicians already in service at the commissioner structure coordinated by an expert and a competent manager of the same structure. The members are for the commissioner structure the Arch. Paola Marotta, Eng. Massimo Vecchiolla, Eng. Nicola Di Costanzo, the surveyor Domenico Scidone and the engineer Aniello Carraturo. For – Commissioner Structure while from the USRC, the Special Office for the Reconstruction of the Municipalities of the L’Aquila Crater, there will be Eng. Cecilia Frezzini, Surveyor Ivan Di Pompeo and Ms. Silvia Ferrauto.The activities of the Working Group must be carried out in coordination with the Expert of the Commissioner’s Structure, Eng. Raffaello Fico and with the competent manager Dr. geol. Vincenzo Albanese. The working group will provide the Commissioner with a technical report following the outcome of the inspections containing the identification of the aggregates in possession of the requirements required by the procedures for the reconstruction of Ischia in the following order:

Phase 1: Consortia and buildings, green in colour, which pursuant to art. 8 of special ordinance no. 8/2024 are affected by the expiration of July 31, 2024;

Phase 2: aggregates and buildings, green in colour, which pursuant to art. 8 of special ordinance no. 8/2024 are affected by the expiration of October 31, 2024;

Phase 3: all other buildings, also taking into account the results of the reconstruction plan being adopted by the Campania region.

Alone 578 buildings on 1321 registered they will be able to rebuild immediately, the others will have to wait. The territory has been divided into four regulatory areas, according to different directives to which different colors have been attributed to make the situation more intuitive. The aggregates could be among these 578. The Extraordinary Commissioner, having received the technical report in question, transmits the relevant findings to the competent Manager and the competent Manager will, with his own determination, identify the aggregates for which the mandatory consortia must be established. The determination must contain the identification of the terms referred to in special ordinance no. 8/2024. Which in fact constitutes the humus of the new measures. The special ordinance n. 8 of 04/24/2024 containing “ex article 11, paragraph 2, of legislative decree no. 76 of 2020, converted with amendments by law 11 September 2020, n. 120 is a mix of provisions regarding the planning and programming of the hydrogeological safety of the Casamicciola Terme area, of the private post-earthquake and post-landslide reconstruction and of relocations” and in particular establishes that “In the presence of a building aggregate composed of at least two unusable buildings equipped with AeDES or AeDEI cards which summarize the damage following seismic or landslide events and used, on the date of the events, as a home or active productive activity with a building type similar to residential and intended for relevance and with a state of damage and degree of vulnerability attributable to an operational level higher than or equal to L1, a level that would only require a seismic improvement, a unitary improvement intervention, seismic adaptation or demolition and reconstruction can be carried out, within the limits and with the methods identified by this article , subject to the mandatory formation of the owners themselves in a consortium and presentation of a single contribution application”. As we were saying, the collaboration agreement signed just on 20 May 2024 between the Extraordinary Commissioner for the reconstruction in the territories of the island of Ischia affected by the earthquake of 21 August 2017 and the Special Office for the Reconstruction of the Municipalities of the Crater (USRC), aimed at accelerating the reconstruction processes on the island of Ischia and the implementation of reconstructive processes in areas subject to hydrogeological risk in the 56 municipalities of the crater of the 2009 earthquake. This testifies to the gravity of the situation and the heavy stalemate of the Ischia process. Leveraging the experience of The Eagleamong other things, the opportunity was considered of establishing a working group made up of structural technicians andUSRC, also for reasons of speed for the definition of the aggregates that require the establishment of a mandatory consortium. With Legnini the Director of the Legal-Financial Area, Procurement, Programs and Projects of the USRC, Dr. Enrico Bianchi, who also communicated the availability of the nominated employees of the office to which they belong. In terms of the procedures, Legnini established that priority must be given to the groups affected by the deadlines for the submission of applications for contributions for the repair, reconstruction o relocation of damaged buildings set out in the art. 8 of special ordinance no. 8/2024.



CAS beneficiaries: 31 July.

First home owners who do not benefit from CAS: 31 October.

In all other cases: 31 December.


In the presence of real estate units belonging to CAS recipients with a surface area >50% of the total surface area of ​​the condominium or consortium: 31 July.

In the presence of real estate units of CAS recipients with surface area

In all other cases: 31 December.

The terms indicated in the table are valid for those who have or will have defined the building amnesties. For owners of buildings with pending amnesty, it will still be necessary to submit the application within the indicated deadlines but in a simplified form. Once the amnesty application has been defined, citizens are obliged to complete the simplified application with all the documentation required by the commissioner orders within 90 days. For buildings identified with the color orange, the deadlines for submitting the project and the contribution application are set at 90 days starting from the approval of the risk mitigation project. For all the others, the terms have not yet been set pending the approval of the Reconstruction Plan.

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