Fines and licenses suspended in Cagliari, residents reply to Confcommercio: «The rules certainly exist»

“The rules exist in the city and have never been lacking.”

The VivereAVillanova Association reply to the President of Fipe Confcommercio Sud Sardegna Emanuele Frongiaaccording to which in Cagliari “there are no rules, the summer has begun and we don’t know if and when and how we can work” and those who pay the consequences are not only the owners of the premises who “blatantly” do not respect the rules, but also those who lives in uncertainty.

«We would like to remind President Frongia – replies the association – that if on the one hand the entrepreneur’s concern is legitimate, it is equally the right of residents to be able to trust that their primary rights to health and rest are respected which find their source – anything but uncertain – in rules and regulations which gradually descend from the constitutional rank, passing through the civil code and penal code, up to municipal regulations such as that for the concession of public land. As for the statement that “we have been fighting for some time against a noise abatement plan that does not allow us to work in complete tranquility while also respecting the residents of the neighborhoods” we would like to remember that his fight against the noise abatement plan is also ours as neighborhood associations and as residents, even if some felt it was necessary to set up barricades to defend positional income.

«In this context – he continues – we have not forgotten the process of its approval in the last council meeting. We have not forgotten the names of those who played with time, ours and that of the citizens. We have not forgotten the gross errors with which the Plan is filled in order to be able to justify the increase in decibels by then postponing the drafting of its implementing decree to another council. Well yes: this Plan does not allow us too to live in complete serenity! It must be clear that Cagliari and in particular the historic center must not be a Wild West devoid of rules or subjected to the rules of the strongest (who, unfortunately, is never the resident). And it must be clear that the task of trade associations like yours is also to distance themselves, without ifs or buts, from all those entrepreneurs who work in clear violation of the rules, harming citizens and their own colleagues with forms of unfair competition. And equally clear is the fact that the sanctions applied by the municipal offices are precisely the result of those rules that Frongia claims do not exist”.

«It is necessary at this point – he continues – to publicly applaud the Municipal Productive Activities Service for the systematic verification activities carried out over the last year around the city, which have had the merit of highlighting an endless series of irregularities and abuses connected to the concessions of catering activities on public land, in relation to which the belief had been formed that they could be, if not legibus solutus, at least free zones in which it was possible to go in derogation of the existing, known and signed rules. As representatives of a part of residents we firmly believe in a natural coexistence and coexistence with commercial and productive activities of all kinds, essential for the purpose of positively repopulating the historic center while we shun the idea of ​​commerce for hit-and-run tourism which reduces the prestigious portions of cities into stereotyped Disneylands, with the systematic flight of inhabitants».

«In this sense – the conclusion – the control activities carried out and those that will come (and which must never be missing) we hope will be able to perform a virtuous function by making operators and their customers responsible, to respect rules and places and it will be a fantastic day when fines will no longer be imposed following checks, a sign of maturity where we will all have become respectful of others and of the rules. While waiting for that day, it is our intention to start a dialogue as soon as possible with the new City Council and the proposed new Council and its municipal technical offices, convinced that the path of dialogue is the primary one and that, as repeatedly repeated by all candidates, by all those elected (some more or less) and by Massimo Zedda himself, shared solutions are the winning weapon that cannot fail to pass through the path of participatory democracy”.


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