«No to a maxi shelter for Profilglass trucks. Leave the residential »

«No to a maxi shelter for Profilglass trucks. Leave the residential »
«No to a maxi shelter for Profilglass trucks. Leave the residential »

FANO Another burning urban planning issue looms on the horizon for the mayor Luca Serfilippi, after that of the food logistics hub inserted at the last minute in the new general master plan by the former municipal administration with the blitz of the former mayor Seri in the passage of the council’s adoption .

The promoters

The issue is raised by a newly formed committee of citizens of Chiaruccia (made up of Marco Antonini, Daniele Bellagamba, Guglielmo Bellagamba, Alessandro Bellucci, Tiziana Massaro, Massimiliano Mattia, Giancarlo Torcoletti and Bruno Rapa) which follows in the footsteps of the civic mobilization of the Clean Air committee , created to oppose the logistics hub at the former sugar factory.

But compared to that experience it anticipates its moves because the alarm to protect the health and liveability of the Chiaruccia area, where the promoters reside, is launched in advance of a feared future change in the residential destination currently foreseen in the definitively adopted Prg last April, which corrected the previous industrial forecast of Aguzzi’s Prg.

The property

An alarm, however, not specious because the new residential sector would have been bought a few months ago by Profilglass, the aluminum processing giant of Giancarlo Paci’s Bellocchi (promoter with Paolo Andreani also of the logistics center as owner of the former sugar factory area).

Already in 2017 there was talk of a possible expansion of Profilglass in Chiaruccia, in relation to a 4 hectare area of ​​the Municipality for artisanal use included in the disposal plan, which at the time had caused a worried dialogue between the residents and the Municipality.

The project

Now for the land in question of 26 thousand square meters, currently cultivated, there would be a project for a covered structure of 6 thousand square meters, with a height of 10 meters, for the storage of articulated vehicles with an adjoining warehouse.

In a letter sent to the municipal administration last May 13, the residents report «that the equipped area project is detrimental to the rights of the residents of the Chiaruccia area to enjoy a healthy and safe environment, to protect their health, their well-being and their property which would be lost with the construction of a structure in which the movement of vehicles and/or any goods would take place, with the production of both air quality and acoustic pollution. The project would lead to a reduction in the value of properties, a loss of quality of life and a considerable increase in the traffic risk and danger index.”

Serfilippi’s statements

The new committee leverages the electoral declarations of the new mayor. «We were particularly struck by his repeatedly expressed commitment to preserving the Chiaruccia area as a residential area – we read in a statement, in which also congratulations to Serfilippi on his election -. We fully share his vision of a future for our city focused on sustainability and the well-being of citizens and his primary commitment to their health. From this perspective, we believe that the protection of the Chiaruccia area is of fundamental importance so that it continues to perform the function of a green lung between the industrial area and the populous neighborhoods of Sant’Orso, Rosciano and Bellocchi».

The request is to prevent any industrial activity including the sheltering of heavy vehicles.

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