The complaint by Cartisano Uiltucs Latina: “In Terracina profit is made at the expense of lifeguards”

The complaint by Cartisano Uiltucs Latina: “In Terracina profit is made at the expense of lifeguards”
The complaint by Cartisano Uiltucs Latina: “In Terracina profit is made at the expense of lifeguards”

“THE USUAL NOTES” of Terracina, as Gianfranco Cartisano, manager of Uiltucs Latina, defines them, the sand entrepreneurs, hidden employers who profit at the expense of the lifeguards and above all of the public administration AND TO KEEP THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE OWNER OR OWNERS HIDDEN, characters with names and surnames who this year too will be behind the scenes of the beaches of Terracina, given the direct assignment by the Municipality of Terracina of the LIFEGUARD ASSISTANCE service.

Free beaches entrusted the LIFEGUARD ASSISTANCE service to the “USUAL KNOWINGS” it is a shame, even today despite the many complaints from the lifeguard workers, the Municipality of Terracina through direct assignment has given the lifeguard service into the hands of the same subjects who have caused the LIFEGUARD SCANDAL of Terracina and Ostia to break out, a real offense to the seasonal work of these important and necessary professional figures on the beaches, an offense to the Inspection Bodies who have been chasing these people for years, after the many complaints, who very skilfully they build and dissolve fictitious companies like Chinese boxes.

Not much time has passed since the SCANDAL of the LIFEGUARDS of Terracina in which subjects/entrepreneurs asked the LIFEGUARDS, the workers, for pieces of salary back, wages to be returned, not much time has passed since the scandal where these same subjects who are now entrusted with the service contributed to the much discussed management of the beaches, full of dark sides, of the Special Company, where DG Carla Amici still in force today, has not given explanations and transparency on the procurement contracts to these subjects who will still manage the service on the beaches today free of Terracina.

Uiltucs Latina, the workers we represent in the sector, many citizens of the area are asking in these hours, because other Municipalities (Latina, Sperlonga, Sabaudia, and others) have experienced, after many requests, some open competitions on the awarding of the LIFEGUARD ASSISTANCE service? But how is it possible that despite our requests to the Municipality of Terracina, which asked for consultation on the application of the correct national reference contract and related applications of the contractual tables, the Municipality of Terracina did not summon us? unlike other municipalities that have demanded discussion on these issues? these are the questions that remain unanswered!

Today as Uiltucs Latina we have the duty to continue to denounce everything that still relies on Terracina on the Surveillance service on the Terracina beaches, it is humiliating to entrust a service with consequent payment of economic resources to individuals and companies when we already know a priori that the workers will be underpaid and exploited, it is an offense to the intelligence of the community and to good work to entrust public money to subjects who have been persecuted by the inspection bodies for years because at the end of the season the workers are always and inevitably forced to chase pieces of salary, severance pay and other skills not paid, as every year, by these same entrepreneurs TERRACINA SANDbut how, asks Gianfranco Cartisano of Uiltucs Latina, can we still entrust public money into the hands of these dishonest people?

The Municipality of Terracina still continues to entrust the LIFEGUARD service to these people, meanwhile Uiltucs Latina is summoned to the Labor Inspectorate on Tuesday 18th at 11am to recover damages, the pieces of wages of the workers who have not received from these same people who are now entrusted with the service, fortunately we have a vigilant, attentive Inspectorate, who, despite the failure to appear and the inaction of the phantom companies, calls the bathing establishments to account and campsites directly, who are responsible for the non-payment of these companies, always absent in the various confrontations that occurred at the Latina Inspectorate.

Our category asks the Municipality of Terracina, the Mayor, the Councilor in charge” but where were they in these years of the LIFEGUARD SCANDAL in Terracina”? before entrusting a service, before allocating public money in the hands of these fictitious companies to these subjects, regardless of the lack of confrontation requested by the Uiltucs union, why entrust it always and again to those who at the end of the season will be chased and prosecuted because THEY DON’T PAY THE WORKERS? the disputes, the companies that activate and close these SABBIA entrepreneurs, everyone on the coast up to Ostia knows their stories, probably only the Municipality of Terracina is not aware of who entrusted the LIFEGUARD ASSISTANCE SERVICE.

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