Perugia ballot. Massimo Monni: «I don’t side with anyone»

Perugia ballot. Massimo Monni: «I don’t side with anyone»
Perugia ballot. Massimo Monni: «I don’t side with anyone»
Perugia editorial team

PERUGIA – «The extreme polarization of the electoral competition in Perugia, also favored by the world of communication, meant that the electoral result obtained by the Perugia Merita list, Monni mayor, was not satisfactory. Since the group is made up of representatives with different sensitivities, I proposed and we agreed that each candidate from Perugia Deserves will vote according to conscience”, the words of Massimo Monni who intervenes regarding a possible deployment of his list in the run-off on 23 and 24 June from which the new mayor of Perugia will be released.

«As I declared from the beginning, I ran as a candidate with a civic list, which then also had the support of the PSI, Italia Viva and Tempi Nuovi – Popolari Uniti, out of political passion and for the good of my city, in the belief that it was necessary to build a centre-centre, moderate and reformist project, alternative to the right and the left and based on concrete programmatic choices oriented towards the economic and social development of the entire territory. Even if the picture that emerged from the polls did not reward us as we would have hoped, I remain convinced of this choice which contributed to bringing our city to the ballot, signifying that there is a segment of the electorate that asks to be represented by a force center.”
«I was contacted by both Margherita Scoccia and Vittoria Ferdinandi – Monni continues in the note – with whom I met twice each and with whom we discussed our ideas and points of contact. After carefully evaluating their proposals, including a role as deputy mayor, I chose to leave the Perugia Merita candidates free. Out of respect for the group, who I thank for sharing this difficult experience with me, I will declare my personal positions and take stock of the political project of Perugia Merita in the next few hours.”

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