“We demonstrate peacefully against the anti-rave decree”

by Maria Vittoria Gaviano

You could sense that there was something happening in the city, from almost every corner of Grosseto, so many people were mobilising. Some without a shirt, others with flower crowns on their heads, in short, everyone is free to express themselves in their ideal way. They went through the city, theirs, with lots of music, the desire to dance and be together. Everything according to the rules and under authorization. They did not go unnoticed and certainly made themselves heard, because this was precisely the aim of the event organized by the Grosseto collective “Maremma ke street”. The feedback? Less than a thousand people met first at the Cittadella dello Studente, then moved on to the D-Park and last stop at the circus square and during the move there was no shortage of passers-by who joined the group. The representative of the movement explains the reason for the demonstration which mobilized a large portion of the city. “We demonstrate – explains Lorenzo Corsetti – against the anti-rave decree, to have our own spaces and to make known our way of living and expressing our music, given that after this decree we found ourselves closed in our shell”. The observations. “Many people from Grosseto took to the streets – he says – even if some come from outside such as Pisa, Livorno, Rome. Many friends joined together, some families who were walking joined together and a gentleman who I know very well and frequents the park with his dogs stayed and started talking and getting to know many people. Our intent is this, aggregation and collective knowledge, without discrimination”. There are future prospects. “If this event is successful – he said – but success is assured, we want to propose this event at least once a year”.

And how do they respond to those who criticize them? “Live and let live – she says – they have taken away our place to express ourselves so I’m taking to the streets”. A great compact flow was found in order to feel at ease against any prying eye, letting go of any prejudice and expressing oneself in a free and carefree manner, so much so as to involve even one who was just passing by.

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