Meloni explains why he considers the G7 in Puglia a success

Meloni explains why he considers the G7 in Puglia a success
Meloni explains why he considers the G7 in Puglia a success

The G7 closed in Puglia was obviously “a success without fear of denial”, thanks also to the “extraordinary message” brought by Pope Francis, according to Giorgia Meloni. The Prime Minister draws conclusions in the meeting with the journalists summoned to the “invented place” of Borgo Egnazia, in the hall which 24 hours earlier hosted the world’s greats (complete with a final controversy with the press, which once again complains about the limited space for questions), and also relaunches from a European perspective (“the EU must now recognize Italy’s role”, he specifies) and internally with the message to its majority, after the Montecitorio brawl, to “not fall into the provocations of oppositions”, a phrase that immediately fuels new controversies.

The premise, however, dissected in a long preamble, is on the conclusions of the meeting of the 7 leaders. Who have shown themselves united in the face of the great challenges of these difficult times, first of all in reaffirming “an international system of rules based on the force of law” against Russian aggression against Ukraine: the commitment towards Kiev emerges “strengthened, otherwise from what some hoped or predicted”, with the 50 billion agreement on the use of “frozen” Russian assets and the money that will be provided “by the USA, then by Canada, the United Kingdom and probably Japan, for now not by Europe” . While he brands Putin’s proposal that “Ukraine should withdraw from Ukraine” as “ineffective” as a condition for peace. On the other hand, he makes it clear that the “Olympic truce” “requested by France” is already difficult, while evading the question of what could happen from November in the event of Trump’s victory in the USA. What has “satisfied” Meloni, however, is above all the migrants chapter, because “the G7 has shared Italy’s approach”, which “has tried to be a point of reference on this from the beginning”.

While he avoids a follow-up on the so-called “civil rights”, the subject of the first question: he defines the controversy as “totally artificial”, in the final declaration the word abortion is not there only because “it usually happens that things taken for granted are not repeated verbatim », otherwise the conclusions would always be the same; and in the Hiroshima text, which hosted the 2023 G7, the reference to the right to safe abortion “was clear”. The “law 194” in Italy, then, “is done very well, it should not be modified”, rather only “applied in full”. As for migrants, success would lie in having established “a G7 coalition, a coordination” against human trafficking, which today “yields more than arms trafficking” to criminal organizations, and in having stated that it is necessary to increase more Africa to allow Africans “the right to stay”, as well as the right to leave: in this sense also goes “the growing synergy” between the Mattei Plan and the pre-existing EU and US plans, already at the center of a previous G7. “What makes the difference is demonstrating that the documents don’t end here”, explains the Fdi leader who announces as a first move an upcoming meeting between the Interior Ministers to give life to this coordination.

“Giorgia” would now like the route indicated, in her opinion, to the Big Seven to also be followed at a European level. He claims that in Puglia there hasn’t been too much talk about the next appointments of EU leaders after the vote 7 days ago, the opportunity will be tomorrow evening in Brussels. However, she is keen to say that it would be “common sense” to wait for the French elections at the end of the month and to underline that she is particularly concerned about two points: the role of Italy, which has incredibly become the most stable country, and the fact “that Europe understands the message that has arrived” from the vote. Because thinking that everything went well, with the confirmation of the old EPP-PSE-liberal majority, “would be a slightly distorted reading”, citizens expect “pragmatism and a less ideological approach” on issues such as the fight for the climate . But the signal from Olaf Scholz is not good: after the G7 closed he said in an interview that “it’s no secret” that Meloni is “on the far right, there are obvious differences”.

Among the new features of this summit, Meloni recalls the discussion on artificial intelligence. Which should not be demonized: “The tools are neutral – this is his analysis – the point is to know how to direct them towards the good aspects” and “prevent the results from becoming clear when they are no longer correctable”. Another clear message is the one sent to China: «We are open to dialogue, but our companies must be able to compete on equal terms», he says, announcing an upcoming trip to China. However, the news presses on and we also touch on the latest local controversy after the brawl in the Chamber over the premiership. Meloni thinks that «the provocations will continue» and this sentence is another barrage of criticism from the opposition, led by Giuseppe Conte and the Democratic Party, with Chiara Braga and Andrea Orlando, for whom «waving the tricolor is a provocation for those who call themselves Brothers of Italy”. The last line is in defense of the choice of Borgo Egnazia: «The signal I wanted to give was that of a global village, discussing global issues in the atmosphere of one of our villages. And I was proud to have seen the leaders with their mouths open.”

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