“The Prisons of the Mind”, in Catanzaro 2 days dedicated to people deprived of liberty

“The prisons of the mind. Existing critical issues and innovative paths in the penitentiary sector”, this is the title of the two days of debate organized by the Regional Guarantor of the Rights of Detainees, Luca Muglia, which will be held on 18 and 19 June at the “Jole Santelli” Regional Citadel of Catanzaro.

Felice Maurizio D’Ettore, National Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of liberty, will also participate in the event, in addition to experts and specialists in the sector and representatives of the institutions, the penitentiary administration, the judiciary, the legal profession and the professional associations. staff, who will conclude the work of the first day.

The Conference will be opened by a press conference held on the occasion of the mobilization day
to improve living conditions in prisons by the National Conference of Guarantors
territorial rights of persons deprived of their liberty.

This is yet another act of raising awareness three months after the appeal “Urgent interventions are needed for overcrowding and suicides in prisons”, in which the President of the Republic Mattarella invited the country’s political class to urgently adopt immediate measures to ease the climate of tension that reigns in Italian prisons.

At the initial press conference, in addition to the regional guarantor Luca Muglia, they will speak
Samuele Ciambriello, spokesperson of the Conference and Regional Guarantor of Campania, and Bruno
Mellano, Regional Guarantor of Piedmont.

Also expected are interventions by Antonello Talerico, member of the National Bar Council and Valerio Murgano, member of the National Council of the Union of Italian Criminal Chambers.

The first session, which will analyze the effects of detention from a neuroscientific point of view, provides
the reports by Umberto Sabatini, professor of neuroradiology, Department of Medical Sciences and
surgeons of the Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Federica Coppola, professor of law
comparative criminal justice of the IE University Law School of Madrid, and Antonio Cerasa, neuroscientist,
communication manager IRIB CNR Messina.

In the second session, dedicated to innovative paths in the penitentiary sector, there will be alternating interventions by Cristina Franchini, head of the justice area of ​​My Life Design, Benedetta Genisio, coordinator of the Crisi Come Opportunità association, Roberto Dichiera, chaplain of the Frosinone prison and contact person for New Horizons,
Adolfo Adamo, author and theater director, Marcella Reni, president of Prison Fellowship Italia, Enzo
Galeota, member of the National Prison Observatory of the Union of Italian Criminal Chambers and Piero
Mancuso, co-head of the Prison Observatory of the Criminal Chamber of Catanzaro.

The Regional Guarantor will introduce the proceedings, while the debate will be moderated by the author and television presenter
Domenico Gareri.

Guarantor Muglia underlined that “the topics covered and the authoritative presences project us into the
national panorama. It is an important occasion, Calabria can become a crossroads of debate
about prison.

On the one hand, scientific research on the risks of prison in the third millennium and on how
prison conditions compromise the possibility of social rehabilitation and recovery of the person.

This was documented by national and international experts in cognitive, social and affective neuroscience,
some of them Calabrian.

On the other hand, the qualified intervention of the representatives of some very innovative regional and national projects, demonstrating the fact that there are completely different tools capable of introducing new ways of conceiving punishment and prison time”.

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