Agreement made in Mirandola: Giorgio Siena’s list supports the mayoral candidate Carlo Bassoli – SulPanaro

Agreement made in Mirandola: Giorgio Siena’s list supports the mayoral candidate Carlo Bassoli – SulPanaro
Agreement made in Mirandola: Giorgio Siena’s list supports the mayoral candidate Carlo Bassoli – SulPanaro

Agreement made in Mirandola: Giorgio Siena’s list in the run-off supports the mayoral candidate Carlo Bassoli. On Saturday morning in the Sala Trionfini, in the center of Mirandola, the endorsement that Giorgio Siena, head of the centrist list Più Mirandola signed with the candidate of Pd, Azione, was presented to the voters who will be voting next Saturday and Sunday. Sinistra Civica and the list “For Mirandola with Stefano Toscani”.

Someone in the audience called it “Not an alliance between people, but the reunion of a people“, which in fact is given the wide field that Bassoli managed to create, from which only those of the Five Star Movement are formally missing, whose candidate for mayor, Giorgio Cavazza, has given zero explicit voting indications but the invitation to go and vote .

To those who ask him why this alliance wasn’t made before, Siena – which will now go to cash with at least the appointment of deputy mayor and perhaps a couple of “important” councilors – replies slyly: “Because otherwise we would not have been able to propose a debate attentive to certain important issues such as the merger of Mirandola with the other Municipalities, or the reconstruction seen as attractiveness and enrichment of the cultural offer or school dropout: we could be pioneers of new projects on this theme“.

Siena puts its hands forward (“I won’t go into the merits of the composition of the council, it is the mayor’s responsibility“), but then Bassoli does the math in his pocket, going through the results of the lists that support him, which were not exactly exciting for the old allies, especially for that of Dr. Toscani, “In projection – observes Siena from the height of its 1300 votes – the composition of the majority group will see PD and civic list Plus Mirandola, at least part of the structure must be represented, and it is normal for there to be a deputy mayor from the second list. With us there are no demands, but a fair and equitable distribution“.

Among the journalists it is then observed that with Bassoli as mayor and Siena as deputy mayor, the Health in Tuscany as already promised, there will not be a single important role for women left, and women will be relegated to the Equal Opportunities department as usual.
Bassoli replies: “There will be the delegation to Equal Opportunities, but for women there will also be important roles, in the Executive and in the City Council: we cannot fail to represent what voters have expressed, but if you look at the lists we also go beyond the legal indications on candidatures. The representation of source women will be important” Then he moves on to a concrete promise: “The president of the municipal council will be a woman“, which makes the new allies jump in their seats, who had evidently given that task some thought.

Finally, a commitment to the opposition”Compared to the other side, we will have a better willingness to dialogue and debate towards the minority than they have towards us – illustrates Siena, recalling that with the PD exponent with whom they sat on different benches in the last city council (Roberto Ganzerli) – we have always dialogued, but with others we have found total closures

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