Savona, the Dellepiane perfumery suffers two thefts in less than 24 hours: “The public security system doesn’t work”

Savona, the Dellepiane perfumery suffers two thefts in less than 24 hours: “The public security system doesn’t work”
Savona, the Dellepiane perfumery suffers two thefts in less than 24 hours: “The public security system doesn’t work”

Savona. “We are experiencing an unmanageable situation and moment, in the space of two weeks we have suffered three major thefts”, the complaint comes directly from Silvia Dellepiane owner of the perfumery of the same name in Piazza Marconi.

For 15 days she and her family have had no peace, they are forced to stay alert hoping not to fall prey to thieves. For two weeks the perfumery has been at the center of attacks by criminals who have carried out three major attacks. The last one this morning, Saturday 15 June, at 10 am. The penultimate one? Yesterday afternoon at 4pm. In less than 24 hours the perfumery was robbed twice.

“We have no peace – continues the owner – it is not normal for this to happen on a Saturday morning, right in the center of the city. My brother-in-law and I started chasing the criminalsWe stopped one but he didn’t have our stolen goods with him but those of other perfumeries, it’s an absurd situation.”

While I was chasing the thief I was on the phone with the emergency number and I was asking for help right away – Silvia explains – but the Carabinieri (among other things from Celle Ligure) showed up more than an hour after my request for help”.

The perfumery is equipped with an internal video surveillance system which documented everything: “I am here to report not so much the thefts, which unfortunately have always occurred – he continues – but the state of abandonment in which we live. My perfumery is just under a hundred meters from the Carabinieri barracks and despite this they did not intervene promptly either yesterday or this morning.”

Silvia does not blame the public security agents but points the finger at the system. Despite the timely action of alerting the Carabinieri, he did not receive immediate feedback: “I understand that there are much more serious situations and that the officers do what they can – he adds – they are within a system that manages emergencies but then it is This is precisely what is wrong. We are alone, evidently public safety has its hands tied but we shopkeepers cannot lose out “.

“We are in the city center, not in the Bronx – continues Silvia – it is not possible for this to happen. We are not sure, we cannot be at the mercy of these events and have no guarantees. We are no man’s land“.

“It’s not normal that I had to chase the thieves, it’s not normal that this situation isn’t handled in another way. These three thefts that I suffered in a few days have always had the same dynamic: the thieves are organised, they know how to move – adds Silvia finally – and they probably know that the security measures are not so insurmountable”.

“We need help. We can’t continue like this.”Silvia concludes her clear denunciation.

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